Thursday, June 7, 2007

Go Me!

Take a look at what I did today! I should have taken a before pic so you could see how awesome this feet was, but let me just say it was awesome! (I organized my craft "closet" for those of you who don't know what I am talking about.) Anyway, I am proud of myself. It took only a year, give or take (mostly give) a few months , to get all my stuff organized. Sad...but happy now.
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  1. I'm so proud of you!!!! I know how big of a deal this is for you!! I especially like how Cooper looks in the picture. That's about how my kids look on days that I spend organizing things...naked and puzzled because I have neglected to take care of them. (I'm guessing you didn't really neglect cooper though:)
    way to go!!!

  2. Yea!!! Okay so I think that Cooper's look on his face is him trying to figure out a way to scale up the tower and destroy!! Totally jealous that you got all of that completed. You go girl!

  3. Go team Brittany! It feels so good to get a huge job like that accomplished!
