Monday, September 29, 2008

Alien Life Form

This morning my daughter said the most beautiful words in the English language.
"Mom, please can I do the dishes?"


My heart just about melted. It was so sweetly beautiful. Never in my lifetime did I expect to hear those words. Probably because it has never/will never come out of my mouth.

I'm not exactly sure what brand of alien/non-human life form she is, but man am I happy she choose to come to my house! Bless you Kami! Bless you whole bunches!

Love this face! Love it even more now that it is attached to the hands that want to scrub my dishes.
By the way, I believe I owe her sudden interest in washing dishes to Janice. Heaven knows she doesn't see me doing that task with a smile on my face...or often for that matter.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What Do You Think

If you are a parent, you need to try this. Turn your video camera on your child and just ask questions or let them talk. These are probably far more precious to me than to you.

My favorite thing about this video (besides that fact that everybody loves her) is that her daddy likes black toenails. So funny.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Cooper

Thank you, thank you Auntie Mo. I can't even begin to explain how happy these pics made me. Especially this one on top. Actually, all of them...So fun to get random pictures of your littles in an e-mail.


Anybody else excited for halloween? I may have jumped the gun a little, what with it still being September...but who cares!
It was my ghoul's night, got me all pumped up for the 31st (of October of course). Pictures to come. Of course I missed taking pics of anyone who was actually there but I will take some pics of the crafties! Ironically, no one wanted to go goth with the black nail polish. No one except for Kami, that is. She was so so so cute (triple underlined)! I need to do more little mommy and me things. I also should put together a little crafty for that as well since she was absolutely dying to do the painting, peeling, and sticking. (That's what we did last night)
Anyway, for all my holiday hyped up friends I'm going to be starting a new weekly post so be on the look out.
That's all. You may leave comments about how much you love love love my new blog layout/music combo, because you know you do. More to come.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Feed Me

I guess I'm not the super woman you all believe me to be (ha!), for sometimes I find it slightly difficult to prepare dinner/breakfast what not while feeding a baby, spoon feeding that is... I don't's just difficult sometimes.

I have tried to employ the help of my children. Specifically my oldest. There are many days that she is more than willing. And then, of course, there are the days like this one...

Truthfully this wasn't Kami's idea. Kami's idea was to give the feeding duty over to Cooper. Cooper's idea was to streamline the whole process and let the baby feed himself. Very advanced thinking.

Truthfully, Landon got more food this way then Kami's method. Kami's method was "one bite for bite for me... one bite for me..." and then when her mom told her to feed the baby she handed the food off to Cooper. (The idea of eating baby food kind of grosses me out. No, it REALLY grosses me out. But Kami says its yummy! Cooper's not having any of it either. I think it grosses him out as well.)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


You know you have a problem with gangsta-phrenia (as Kadon calls it) when your phone rings and you call out "word-up!" only to have your daughter call out after you "home dog!"
I'm not so sure "home-dog" is an official "gansta" word....pretty sure it should be something like home-slice... either way, it was really funny!
Pretty sure I'm not an official on what is and is not grammatically/phonically/culturally correct when dealing with the aformentioned subject. But, who knows, maybe I am the source of inspiration for the whole deal... you never know. I am that popular, after all.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Remember my son Poop. Cooper the Super Pooper. Coop the Poop. Remember how he got that nickname? Better yet, remember how he's KEPT that nickname? Now, for a moment, can we just imagine potty training this child, this super pooper. Can we imagine potty training him when he does not yet understand the concept of pooping in the toilet...yet he thoroughly understands the concept of removing ones own diaper...when soiled...with poop.
And lets just imagine this little pooper lives in this crazy household with his older sister and younger brother, both not yet quite capable of tending themselves. And, not only does he have a pair of crazy siblings, lets imagine he has a crazy mom to boot. Let's just say his crazy mom has a difficult enough time keeping herself sane, her children fed, and her house in a constant state of picking up that she is bewildered at the thought of when to possibly find time to adequately train the child. And so, instead, lets just say she spends her days chasing a naked bum around the house scrubbing unmentionable foreign matter from every likely surface an uncovered, but poopy, bum could have been. For fun, lets just imagine that this has happened say 4 times in the last 24 hours (remember to subtract 10 hours for sleep) and lets just think about the color how about green? Maybe we could also think about a freshly made bed...with new linens...
Now, for fun...what if we imagine said pooper child with his diaper taped to his person. What kind of tape, do you suppose, in this completely imaginary world, would work best? Let's just say you were to suggest something? Duct tape? Masking tape? What do you suppose would keep this make believe diaper on this make believe child?
As long as we are living in a completely fictional "fantasy" land...What would one say if, by chance, I shipped the pooper child on the next UPS truck down to his grandma's for the week were he would return to me in exactly one week completely poop free! Or at least free of all mobile poop, if you get what I mean. Let's just say he magically returned completely capable of using a toilet 100% of the time....
I mean...we're just saying.... mom, expect a package in the next couple days. At this point, I suffice it to say, we are DONE imagining. I am more than serious: Mom. Expect a package in the next few days. I will compensate you for your time.

As a side note, while we are remembering things, can I call upon you to remember a little something I call brotherly kindness. It goes something like this: Next time I am great with child, somebody PLEASE remind me of the benefits of having Landon potty trained before the new babe's arrival. That would just be the nice thing to do. (Maybe when the relief society asks if there is anything they can do for me I'll casually, yet completely seriously, hand them my son with a training potty, some undies, and a few "potty" treats. That's charity right there.)

Monday, September 15, 2008


um...yeah... I'm not even going to take a picture of the bathroom. Especially since right after I took this picture he took off his poopy himself...and then ran around my house...

Sometimes I just want to cry.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pop You Some Popcorn

Alrighty folks, it is movie review time. First of all, let me just say, if you are going to buy a new movie, wait the extra month and buy it at Hollywood Video. Like Blockbuster they sell all of their "extra copies" to the public for $10 and under (we got our last group for roughly $7 a piece) and, although they are previously viewed, they do come with a life time guarantee - super great if your sporting littles like we are.

So, the down low. The end of last month was our anniversary. So, naturally, "we" decided to chick-flick it out with a couple of new flicks we picked up at the store. Let me tell you people, it has been a whirlwind movie watching bonanza at our house. We have probably watched more movies in the last 3 weeks than we have watched all year. (Keep in mind we are ignoring all movies picked by littles in this statistic)

I'm here to do a little recap on the festivities. Totally Siscal and Ebert, but not because he, Siscal, is dead, so whoever is Ebert's other half.... what is it Ropert? We have 5 reviews for your reading pleasure, we will put them in the order in which we watched them.

Up first we have:

Which we LOVED, by the way. Very cute. Very fun. Very perfect for the whole family. So see it because it is cute. (Even Brandon liked it...) We've watched it 5 times in the last 2-3 weeks and loaned it out to all our friends. And for you lame-o ka blame-os who think you're too cool for it, you're not. It is quite clever.
(By the way, so not what the cover art for the movie looks like...oddly, I couldn't find that anywhere. The cover is green...)

Definitely Maybe

Okay, ever since I saw this preview I thought FOR SURE I would have to see this movie. I just knew I would love

So not loving it... I mean, it was okay. The lead guy had a very charming personality. The red head was GORGEOUS! It ended how I supposed it would...However, all the stuff in between was lacking all the "stuff" I thought I would like. It was just different than I had supposed. I don't feel like I wasted my time watching it. However, with the sincerest attempt to be the cheesiest I can most possibly be, if you were to ask me if I recommended seeing it I would DEFINITELY say....MAYBE. (Then again...maybe not?...)

27 Dresses

Chick flick material. Basically, it was okay. I guess we just never really got "into" this one. I don't really have anything bad to say...but at the same time I don't really have anything good to say either...I, not really. It was kind of blah. Mediocre chick-flick material. It did, however, sport the little cutie prince from enchanted....I mean he was cute, just not fall in love with you cute. Same with Katherine Heigel, not fall in love with you cute. (does that make sense? There was never a point in this movie where I was loving being cheesily caught up in their "falling in love" story. It just wasn't there for me.) Not bad...just not top rate.

Vantage Point

I, most honestly, can count on my two hands the number of action movies I have watched with Brandon since we have been married. That, my friends makes a whopping total of less than 10 in a 5 year period. Lets just suffice it to say that action/suspense/thriller is not my kind of thing...

When I saw the trailer for this movie I was willing to take a stab at it. It seemed to have that air of "figure me out if you can" that I LOVE in movies. (Odd that a chick-flick gal loves the unpredictable. This is where, if Greg read this blog, he would gasp in absolute shock! Or say something like...that's bull. Most likely he would do the later...) But seriously, I love figuring out the un-figure outable movies. I'm REALLY good at it.

I'm pretty sure this movie didn't disappoint. I say "pretty sure" because our movie had some glitches towards the end and so we basically got sporadic here and there craziness with little audio. (think bad scratches) But, it was good enough that we sat through 45 minutes of glitches just so we could see it.

As always, my instincts were spot on and I had it pegged almost from the beginning. But, there were a ton of awesome things I would have never thought of and a few that through me for a loop. Basically I only picked out ALL of the bad guys, called a couple plot shots, and what not...but there were definitely some unsuspecteds.

So, all in all, we enjoyed it and are looking forward to replacing our movie (with the lifetime warranty) so that we can watch it again...

And...drum roll please.....

After countless recommendations, and I'm not sure how many months, not to mention the fact that the Smiths loaned it to us the beginning of the summer...we have finally watched Transformers. This very night actually. (That makes 3 nights in a row of up late movie viewing...with the littles. Kami is wasted, and, after tonight, I am afraid she is going to be prone to a nightmare or two....hence the reason she is now asleep in my room.)

The movie really wasn't that scary...okay, it was pretty intense...scary...but not...but still. (Honestly, I might have nightmares....)But, WAY GOOD! First things first, Shai LeBeof is still amazing. That kid can act, and he's funny as whatever is super funny these days. My favorite line "So what are you in for" "I bought a car that turned out to be a robot alien. Who knew." Funny stuff. He can just deliver the lines. Great, great job!

The special effects where CRAZY. Kami kept saying "whoa!" So cute. I don't exactly recommend watching this one with the's just pretty intense. But, well worth the watch, and rewatch. And, quite honestly, the cheesiness was kept to a relative minimum with only a few quintessential comic book moments. Not too bad.

What's his face, from the tv show Las Vegas, which I never watch, was phenomenal as well. What an incredible representation of a soldier! I was shocked his black comrade didn't die. However, I'm pretty sure the autobot who did die was black...I'm pretty sure, movies are just like that. It's not an action movie unless a black guy dies. (That part was sad...I'm still in shock.)

In a nutshell...Penelope and Transformers are our top picks with Vantage Point rounding out the top three. The other're not missing much, but if you want to see them don't buy them, we have them.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

My Daughter is a Rockstar!

Yesterday we had our ward's annual end of summer who-rah party. This year they did a talent show. Kami wanted to participate. She told me she wanted to sing "I love to see the temple". She was gung ho. So we walked up and put her name on the list. I added question marks because...well it's Kami and she a little girl. They chicken out, at least I would.
Well, before her turn, her little friend Ashton got up and sang a winning rendition of "I love to see the temple". She was adorable. I began mini-panicking and thought, well maybe Kami won't remember she wanted to sing. Just then, Kami came up to me and said, "Maybe I should sing something different because she already sang that song." Too cute.
Well, the talent show was coming to an end and Kami's name hadn't been called. The MC even announced the last number, which was not Kami. I thought we would just cut our losses. But Kami was totally bummed! She wanted to perform. So, my little daredevil walked right up to the MC and said "I want to sing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam."
So the MC, our good friend and primary president, Janice, announced Kami. She stood up on the table, like a rock star, grabbed the microphone and belted out "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam!" So perfectly adorable. She needed a bit of help with the remainder of the song because she hadn't practiced but she totally rocked the house! Singing out, straight into the mic with every chance and grinning from ear to ear. Total rock star daredevil!
I was so proud. Seriously she is too adorable for words. Not to mention the fact that she is a crazy insanely brave little girl. I am still so proud. I just wish I hadn't forgotten my camera. She was so cute!
When I was little I was terribly, frozen stiff, bawling in a corner, shy. Not my Kami. Every week in primary she asks to give the talk/prayer. Every week she loves to stand up in front of everyone, even if it is just to participate in singing time. She loves to be called on, and she loves to be singled out. Silly thing about this, she is still my little one that takes weeks to warm up enough to someone to even smile at them. Go figure?!

Rock on, baby girl! \m/^.^\m/ Rock on!
(that's the rock on symbol for all of you who aren't nearly as hip hip as me...)

Friday, September 5, 2008

At the Door

The following picture hangs in our ward building and every week Kami has to go to the bathroom, or get a drink, and every week she asks me to tell her about this picture.

In fact, even Cooper comments on this picture yelling out "dat Jesus door". I have explained to Kami and Cooper that this is a picture of Christ knocking on our door and it is our job to decide whether we want to let Him in. Kami always responds that she will open the door for Jesus.
Well, today during her prayer at lunch this is what we heard:
"please bless Jesus will knock on our door and we will let Him in because He is our Father."

She then finished her prayer with: "please bless mommy and daddy will be a good girl and a good boy."
Listening to my children pray is always the best!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Starry Eyed

Parents forget a lot of the little details and it's the little details like make life incredible. On that note, in case it goes away, little baby has stars in his eyes. Literally. At least in one eye. His eyes are blue-blue, but in his right eye he has a brown star burst. Kind of off centered a little, but it almost takes up half. So he has one blue eye and one half blue/half brown eye. I love it.
I love him.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Accident Prone

Poor Kami. I don't know what to do for the poor child. It seems as if she was doomed from the start. What with a mother like myself...and then of course there is the issue of her grandmother. (which is really where all of this nonsense began)
I'm a little worried about social services...not really... but really.
So lets recap: Last Monday she fell out of bed and broke her collar bone. She woke up Monday morning (this Monday) saying she felt really good, "my shoulder all better" she had commented. Then, she tripped on a dress up costume she was carrying and fell down the stairs. True story. Sadly, her arm was still in a sling, thus preventing her from stopping/balancing herself. We just shook our heads in disbelief.
Later that same day she was running to see her grandma, tripped on the sidewalk and face planted it. (once again, arm still in a sling...)
Yesterday, while at Gwen's house she fell off a bar stool and landed on her shoulder...naturally. (I'm pretty sure Gwen pushed her. Not serious. Kami doesn't need any one's help, she's very talented that way...gets it from her grandma.)
Finally, that brings us to the Kami just smashed her fingers in a dresser drawer. I'm not sure what to do. Poor girl.
(For the record, things like this NEVER happen to me.... If only.) I hear Kadon's accident prone as well.