Monday, September 29, 2008

Alien Life Form

This morning my daughter said the most beautiful words in the English language.
"Mom, please can I do the dishes?"


My heart just about melted. It was so sweetly beautiful. Never in my lifetime did I expect to hear those words. Probably because it has never/will never come out of my mouth.

I'm not exactly sure what brand of alien/non-human life form she is, but man am I happy she choose to come to my house! Bless you Kami! Bless you whole bunches!

Love this face! Love it even more now that it is attached to the hands that want to scrub my dishes.
By the way, I believe I owe her sudden interest in washing dishes to Janice. Heaven knows she doesn't see me doing that task with a smile on my face...or often for that matter.


  1. That story is just all kinds of Mommy-awesome!

  2. Kaitlyn went through this phase too and I thought I was in heaven, too bad it didn't last long. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  3. Go with it! Encourage her interest and maybe she will still want to in 10 years.
