Sunday, September 21, 2008


You know you have a problem with gangsta-phrenia (as Kadon calls it) when your phone rings and you call out "word-up!" only to have your daughter call out after you "home dog!"
I'm not so sure "home-dog" is an official "gansta" word....pretty sure it should be something like home-slice... either way, it was really funny!
Pretty sure I'm not an official on what is and is not grammatically/phonically/culturally correct when dealing with the aformentioned subject. But, who knows, maybe I am the source of inspiration for the whole deal... you never know. I am that popular, after all.


  1. That is getting pretty serious when Kamy calls out home dog. Pretty cute.

  2. I asked Jake this morning why he wanted to watch Star Wars AGAIN. He said, "Cause I dig it, yo." Our kids will be the coolest in school.

  3. of course your kids are gansta! but i thought they would be a little older when they found out.

  4. That's hilarious! We need to broaden our vocabulary in our household I guess. You're kids will be bilingual in school!
