So, the down low. The end of last month was our anniversary. So, naturally, "we" decided to chick-flick it out with a couple of new flicks we picked up at the store. Let me tell you people, it has been a whirlwind movie watching bonanza at our house. We have probably watched more movies in the last 3 weeks than we have watched all year. (Keep in mind we are ignoring all movies picked by littles in this statistic)
I'm here to do a little recap on the festivities. Totally Siscal and Ebert, but not because he, Siscal, is dead, so whoever is Ebert's other half.... what is it Ropert? We have 5 reviews for your reading pleasure, we will put them in the order in which we watched them.
Up first we have:

Definitely Maybe
Okay, ever since I saw this preview I thought FOR SURE I would have to see this movie. I just knew I would love
So not loving it... I mean, it was okay. The lead guy had a very charming personality. The red head was GORGEOUS! It ended how I supposed it would...However, all the stuff in between was lacking all the "stuff" I thought I would like. It was just different than I had supposed. I don't feel like I wasted my time watching it. However, with the sincerest attempt to be the cheesiest I can most possibly be, if you were to ask me if I recommended seeing it I would DEFINITELY say....MAYBE. (Then again...maybe not?...)
27 Dresses
Chick flick material. Basically, it was okay. I guess we just never really got "into" this one. I don't really have anything bad to say...but at the same time I don't really have anything good to say either...I, not really. It was kind of blah. Mediocre chick-flick material. It did, however, sport the little cutie prince from enchanted....I mean he was cute, just not fall in love with you cute. Same with Katherine Heigel, not fall in love with you cute. (does that make sense? There was never a point in this movie where I was loving being cheesily caught up in their "falling in love" story. It just wasn't there for me.) Not bad...just not top rate.
Vantage Point
I, most honestly, can count on my two hands the number of action movies I have watched with Brandon since we have been married. That, my friends makes a whopping total of less than 10 in a 5 year period. Lets just suffice it to say that action/suspense/thriller is not my kind of thing...
When I saw the trailer for this movie I was willing to take a stab at it. It seemed to have that air of "figure me out if you can" that I LOVE in movies. (Odd that a chick-flick gal loves the unpredictable. This is where, if Greg read this blog, he would gasp in absolute shock! Or say something like...that's bull. Most likely he would do the later...) But seriously, I love figuring out the un-figure outable movies. I'm REALLY good at it.
I'm pretty sure this movie didn't disappoint. I say "pretty sure" because our movie had some glitches towards the end and so we basically got sporadic here and there craziness with little audio. (think bad scratches) But, it was good enough that we sat through 45 minutes of glitches just so we could see it.
As always, my instincts were spot on and I had it pegged almost from the beginning. But, there were a ton of awesome things I would have never thought of and a few that through me for a loop. Basically I only picked out ALL of the bad guys, called a couple plot shots, and what not...but there were definitely some unsuspecteds.
So, all in all, we enjoyed it and are looking forward to replacing our movie (with the lifetime warranty) so that we can watch it again...
And...drum roll please.....
After countless recommendations, and I'm not sure how many months, not to mention the fact that the Smiths loaned it to us the beginning of the summer...we have finally watched Transformers. This very night actually. (That makes 3 nights in a row of up late movie viewing...with the littles. Kami is wasted, and, after tonight, I am afraid she is going to be prone to a nightmare or two....hence the reason she is now asleep in my room.)
The movie really wasn't that scary...okay, it was pretty intense...scary...but not...but still. (Honestly, I might have nightmares....)But, WAY GOOD! First things first, Shai LeBeof is still amazing. That kid can act, and he's funny as whatever is super funny these days. My favorite line "So what are you in for" "I bought a car that turned out to be a robot alien. Who knew." Funny stuff. He can just deliver the lines. Great, great job!
The special effects where CRAZY. Kami kept saying "whoa!" So cute. I don't exactly recommend watching this one with the's just pretty intense. But, well worth the watch, and rewatch. And, quite honestly, the cheesiness was kept to a relative minimum with only a few quintessential comic book moments. Not too bad.
What's his face, from the tv show Las Vegas, which I never watch, was phenomenal as well. What an incredible representation of a soldier! I was shocked his black comrade didn't die. However, I'm pretty sure the autobot who did die was black...I'm pretty sure, movies are just like that. It's not an action movie unless a black guy dies. (That part was sad...I'm still in shock.)
In a nutshell...Penelope and Transformers are our top picks with Vantage Point rounding out the top three. The other're not missing much, but if you want to see them don't buy them, we have them.
Vantage Point was crazy good. I love that movie so much. With that are just barely watching Transformers!? That is ridiculous I can't tell you how many times Jamison and I have watched it. (We watched it twice last month) It might just be the most awesome movie of all time. And yes the Autobot that got ripped in half was black...
ReplyDeleteStill laughing at your shock that the black guy lives. I love that kind of honesty.
ReplyDeleteStill laughing at your shock that the black guy lives. I love that kind of honesty.
ReplyDeleteStill laughing at your shock that the black guy lives. I love that kind of honesty.