The following picture hangs in our ward building and every week Kami has to go to the bathroom, or get a drink, and every week she asks me to tell her about this picture.

In fact, even Cooper comments on this picture yelling out "dat Jesus door". I have explained to Kami and Cooper that this is a picture of Christ knocking on our door and it is our job to decide whether we want to let Him in. Kami always responds that she will open the door for Jesus.
Well, today during her prayer at lunch this is what we heard:
"please bless Jesus will knock on our door and we will let Him in because He is our Father."
She then finished her prayer with: "please bless mommy and daddy will be a good girl and a good boy."
Listening to my children pray is always the best!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I love the faith of children. I often think that we would all have so many more blessings if our faith stayed as pure as little children. They doubt not. Love to you all.
Oh, Brittany- this is such a cute story! Thank you for sharing it. What fun kids you have!