Friday, December 29, 2006
This is going to be the most random blog ever... but I just wanted to post that while I was sitting at the computer, I glanced over at my daughter, who is sleeping on my husband's lap, and saw something I have never seen before: HAIR!! Can you believe it? Not just the whispering or suggestion of hair, but real hair, full head of hair . . . hair. My daughter: hair! Hair, that for the first time you can see from a distance without having to mess it up so the light will reflect off of it. Of course, it is only the length of a little boy's at best in most places, but, on the top of her head she has a beautiful bounty of thick, short though it may be, hair. Will wonders never cease? And it only took her 2 1/2 years. Not to bad for Sutterfield blood.
Our Little Mommy
Kameryn got a baby doll for Christmas. Today, I walked into her room while she was playing with her baby doll (By the way, her baby doll's name is girl baby. Her other doll is just baby). Kameryn was laying on the bed patting her baby on the back. "My baby is mad" she said. Five minutes later when I returned to her room she was laying under the covers with her baby. She looked up at me and said "I rub my baby's tummy" Anyone who has ever been around Kameryn at bedtime knows she has to have her tummy or back rubbed to fall asleep. I just thought to myself, what a cute mommy she is. Children, especially girls, are so perceptive to mommy things. She is always putting her baby down for naps, in time out, or making meals for her in her kitchen. This is such a fun age!!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
French Fries
Tonight we sat down to a nice dinner of baked potatoes, bbq chicken, and salad. Kameryn, however, thought we were having french fries. She kept pointing to her baked potato and calling it a "french fries", along with mommy's potato. Brandon had to inform her that although they were made of the same thing, we were eating a potato. After that, she tried awfully hard to remember to call it a potato and not french fries. I actually got to witness her little brain processing the new information as she tried to name everything on her plate again correctly. Anyway, I thought it was cute.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
With love from the Bowen Family.
We hope this holiday has found you in the best of spirits surrounded by the people you love. May you have also found the time to focus your thoughts on the birth of our Savior and the precious gift His life was to each of us. Merry Christmas!
With love from the Bowen Family.
We hope this holiday has found you in the best of spirits surrounded by the people you love. May you have also found the time to focus your thoughts on the birth of our Savior and the precious gift His life was to each of us. Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Christmas Fever
So, remember that blog we posted a while ago about not telling your daughter you are going to Grandma's? Well, we are having another one of those days today, only we are not going anywhere. I attribute it to Christmas Fever (the way kids get uncontrollably awful right before Christmas) Now, until today, I never believed one so young could catch it, but she has. Symptoms include pure naughtiness, pouting, and reckless behavior.
We first started to notice these symtoms when the morning kicked off with a grand explosion of pouting in its finest, most glorious form. (She had to wait until after breakfast to watch a movie). Her symptoms have continued to worsen as the day has gone on. She's broken a Chrismas present, a Christmas ornament, and a couple of cds. All on purpose, mind you. She's nearly drown her brother with water, she's reprogrammed my t.v., computer, and answering machine. She's pottied her pants twice, and is currently on her 7th temper tantrum. Unfortunately she doesn't quite yet understand the whole " . . .you better not cry, you better not pout ..." scenario. Bummer for us. Even our naughty/nice elf Flicker (Brandon picked the name) Who watches our house to make sure everyone is on their best behavior so he call tell Santa, and leave us a gift if we are good, hasn't peeked her interest.
Her frequent time out visits only seem to delay the syptoms, not cure them. Pretty soon, her mom is going to go to time out so she can get a break.
So, for all of you who need a little Christmas cheer, here it is. I hope you got a laugh out of my misfortune. If you did, you are a mean person (or a Grandma and you've been through it)
We first started to notice these symtoms when the morning kicked off with a grand explosion of pouting in its finest, most glorious form. (She had to wait until after breakfast to watch a movie). Her symptoms have continued to worsen as the day has gone on. She's broken a Chrismas present, a Christmas ornament, and a couple of cds. All on purpose, mind you. She's nearly drown her brother with water, she's reprogrammed my t.v., computer, and answering machine. She's pottied her pants twice, and is currently on her 7th temper tantrum. Unfortunately she doesn't quite yet understand the whole " . . .you better not cry, you better not pout ..." scenario. Bummer for us. Even our naughty/nice elf Flicker (Brandon picked the name) Who watches our house to make sure everyone is on their best behavior so he call tell Santa, and leave us a gift if we are good, hasn't peeked her interest.
Her frequent time out visits only seem to delay the syptoms, not cure them. Pretty soon, her mom is going to go to time out so she can get a break.
So, for all of you who need a little Christmas cheer, here it is. I hope you got a laugh out of my misfortune. If you did, you are a mean person (or a Grandma and you've been through it)
Friday, December 15, 2006
Bad baby
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Family Photos
Here is a bundle of some of our photos from this year. Click on the website and enjoy.
Bowen Family Christmas Crossword
As you may well know, Christmas card season is upon us.
And that means time for the annual Bowen Family Christmas crossword. Well, for those of you who have not recieved yours yet, stop reading! I mean it, we do not accept cheaters! Now, for those of you who have recieved yours and are a little stumped, here are the answers:
Honestly, if you haven't gotten yours, or you have and haven't attempted it yet, do not read on!!!!
1. Barbie
2. flyswatter
3. Drywall Surgeons
4. naked
5. sugar
6. diaper
7. collarbone
8. pickup
9. trailer
10. cat
11. turkey
1. asthma
2. pirate
3. helicopter
4. harvest
5. Utah
6. piggy
7. July

Honestly, if you haven't gotten yours, or you have and haven't attempted it yet, do not read on!!!!
1. Barbie
2. flyswatter
3. Drywall Surgeons
4. naked
5. sugar
6. diaper
7. collarbone
8. pickup
9. trailer
10. cat
11. turkey
1. asthma
2. pirate
3. helicopter
4. harvest
5. Utah
6. piggy
7. July
Long Pretty Hair
I was jusst talking to Mandi and it reminded me of a cute Kameryn story I hadn't blogged about yet. On Sunday, I had just come out of relief society with Cooper and caught a little part of this 3 year-old's conversation to her nursery leader. They were on their way to the potty and I heard this little girl saying "My hair is not short, its really long. I have long pretty hair like my mommy, huh? But she doesn't. She doesn't have any hair." Because I didn't hear the whole conversation, I didn't exactly catch on until I saw little Kameryn come trotting down the hall. She was going to the potty too. Apparently her current hair situation had sparked the interest of this little girl. Kameryn, of course, was completely oblivious to it. But it was so cute.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
This one's for Steve!
HA! HA! Guess what we did today: we went "digging" Actually, Brandon just went to work. All of his piling grounds are currently mud bogs and so just driving to visit results in a muddy truck.
So, tonight, after visiting the piling grounds (and spinning some cookies) we decided to post these pics to let Steve see how much fun we are having in the Idaho mud. Wish you were here to share it!

My Cute Baby Boy

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Knowledge of a God
Today in church the missionaries spoke. (First of all we are so excited to have the new batch of missionaries. The spirit they bring is so entirely different to that we've had in the past.) Anyway, we have a missionary from Maddagascar who gave a wonderful talk. In fact, it may be because I haven't had the opportunity to stay in my meetings much lately (mother's lounge), but today was one of the first days I can remember being so aware of the spirit in a meeting. So this Elder was talking about how the church found him in Maddagascar and how he was converted. Anyway, he saw the missionaries and was intrigued by their countenances and their knowledge of his language. So he decided he would meet with them on his own even though his parents weren't interested.
The more he learned the more he loved and the angrier his parents got. They told him if he continued to see the missionaries they would kick him out. So he got kicked out of his house. He then went on to tell us how he didn't know what was going to happen to him, where he would live, what he would eat, etc. But he said it didn't matter to him because he knew something now that made all his sacrifices insignificant. He knew there was a God and he knew this same God loved him.
That really touched me. How often do we complain of our circumstances and loose sight of the blessings that abundantly surround us. And, not only that, how often do we count our knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves us among our greatest blessing.
Anyway, I just wanted to share his testimony and add to it mine. I know there is a God. I know He is my Father. I know He loves me. Not only this, but I know we have a God who has been preparing a way for us from the beginning. I often think of the Book of Mormon and how much love our Father in Heaven had for not only those people of that day, but the people of this day, you and I. The book was preserved for our day, to help us. But more than anything, everytime I read it I am amazed at the love of our Heavenly Father for His children. It reaffirms that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us unceasingly, forgives us unceasingly, and has laid out a path for us to return to Him. How awesome is that! I know lately I have gotten more and more involved in the workings of the church (callings, church attendance, etc.) and lost track of the purpose. I find myself complaining about church more than I look forward to it. And I would like to apologize to those who have fallen victim to my complaining and bad attitude. This is something I am ashamed of. God lives, I know He does. I know this is his church. I know its teachings are true. And, I know that by living its precepts my life will not only be better, it will be easier. Not because the trials will go away, but because the perspective will change. My testimony of God is the most precious thing I have. This young missionaries faith struck a cord in me. It helped re-affirm what I already knew but had forgotten in my haste to put everything else first. I am blessed with so much.
The more he learned the more he loved and the angrier his parents got. They told him if he continued to see the missionaries they would kick him out. So he got kicked out of his house. He then went on to tell us how he didn't know what was going to happen to him, where he would live, what he would eat, etc. But he said it didn't matter to him because he knew something now that made all his sacrifices insignificant. He knew there was a God and he knew this same God loved him.
That really touched me. How often do we complain of our circumstances and loose sight of the blessings that abundantly surround us. And, not only that, how often do we count our knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves us among our greatest blessing.
Anyway, I just wanted to share his testimony and add to it mine. I know there is a God. I know He is my Father. I know He loves me. Not only this, but I know we have a God who has been preparing a way for us from the beginning. I often think of the Book of Mormon and how much love our Father in Heaven had for not only those people of that day, but the people of this day, you and I. The book was preserved for our day, to help us. But more than anything, everytime I read it I am amazed at the love of our Heavenly Father for His children. It reaffirms that we have a Father in Heaven who loves us unceasingly, forgives us unceasingly, and has laid out a path for us to return to Him. How awesome is that! I know lately I have gotten more and more involved in the workings of the church (callings, church attendance, etc.) and lost track of the purpose. I find myself complaining about church more than I look forward to it. And I would like to apologize to those who have fallen victim to my complaining and bad attitude. This is something I am ashamed of. God lives, I know He does. I know this is his church. I know its teachings are true. And, I know that by living its precepts my life will not only be better, it will be easier. Not because the trials will go away, but because the perspective will change. My testimony of God is the most precious thing I have. This young missionaries faith struck a cord in me. It helped re-affirm what I already knew but had forgotten in my haste to put everything else first. I am blessed with so much.
Thursday, December 7, 2006
A Lesson in Sharing
"Mommy, me seeral too!"
"What kind do you want?"
"Dat one up dare" (Basic Four)
"This one?"
"uh-huh! Nummy, nummy!"
"Put in my malk"
A couple seconds later
"My bite a yours."
"You want some of Mommy's. That's yummy huh?"
"Here mom, you mine"
"You want me to eat yours? Then what are you going to eat?"
Points to my bowl.
"Oh you want Mommy's, do you want to share with mom?"
"No my seeral, you your own."
"Oh, I guess I'll just get me a new bowl"
"You new bow mom. Me eat dis one."
"Alright, thanks Kameryn"
"You We-come mom"

"What kind do you want?"
"Dat one up dare" (Basic Four)
"This one?"
"uh-huh! Nummy, nummy!"
"Put in my malk"
A couple seconds later
"My bite a yours."
"You want some of Mommy's. That's yummy huh?"
"Here mom, you mine"
"You want me to eat yours? Then what are you going to eat?"
Points to my bowl.
"Oh you want Mommy's, do you want to share with mom?"
"No my seeral, you your own."
"Oh, I guess I'll just get me a new bowl"
"You new bow mom. Me eat dis one."
"Alright, thanks Kameryn"
"You We-come mom"

Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Just so you know, if my daughter ever hits you or your child I would like you to know who taught her it was fun. Her daddy did. It all started as a "fun" game of hi-yah! He taught her the action and sound effect a couple days ago. Now, it's her favorite interactive game. That is of course until her daddy accidentally hi-yahs her in the eye or she gets yelled at because she hi-yahs him in an equally uncomfortable place... But for the most part, it's a fun game! Pretty soon little kids are going to be singing songs about Kameryn: "Kamey G. she hit my head..."
Name Game
Every once in a while we tease Kameryn pretending like we don't know what her name is. Usually I will say, "what's your name?" and when she doesn't respond I will say "is it ..." and then make up a name which is when she will correct me and say "No its Kami" Then I will continue to tease her and say "is it Kami or Kameryn?" "tam-rin" she will always respond and kind of duck her head coyly. Well, apparently she really enjoys this because she now initiates the questions. Like this morning she asked "What's toopa's name" and I said "Cooper Jay Bowen" Then I asked her what my name was. She has had a hard time lately, calling me B instead of mom. But this time she said my name was mommy. So then I asked her waht her daddy's name was and she said "Daddy, daddy Bannon"
She's been on a name kick all day and to top it all off she has learned we have a last name: Snowman. Because apparently to her young mind Snowman and Bowen are similar. So for those who didn't know this, the names of the people in our family are as follows: Daddy Bannon Snowman, Toopa Jay Snowman, Tamrin Grace Snowman (Yes, remarkably she says Grace perfectly, even though her first name more often then not comes out sounding more like Camera then Kameryn) and Mommy. No last name or first name for me, I'm just Mommy.
She's been on a name kick all day and to top it all off she has learned we have a last name: Snowman. Because apparently to her young mind Snowman and Bowen are similar. So for those who didn't know this, the names of the people in our family are as follows: Daddy Bannon Snowman, Toopa Jay Snowman, Tamrin Grace Snowman (Yes, remarkably she says Grace perfectly, even though her first name more often then not comes out sounding more like Camera then Kameryn) and Mommy. No last name or first name for me, I'm just Mommy.
Friday, December 1, 2006
Cooper's First Feeding
Okay, so you may need to click on this "photo" to enlarge it, but.. as it says, here are pictures of Cooper's "first" feeding. He tried a little cereal at Thanksgiving and has had some for breakfast and dinner lately but this is the first time we took pictures. He does fairly well, at least he seems open to the concept of eating (surprise) He seems to really like the water. As does Kameryn. She kept drinking Cooper's water, with all the floaties in it. Yuck! She also wanted bites of his cereal but we didn't get pictures of that. Two exciting things for mom, the more cereal he eats the less mom he eats. And the longer he sleeps at night. Last night he made it from 8:30-5am. How awesome is that! (For those of you currently not suffering from newborn coma this is way awesome!!!)
By the way, for those of you who have been with us for a while, check out the picture in the top right corner. So KamBam reminiscent.

Our New Tree
Our Old Tree

Time Out
From a parental/disciplinarian standpoint I believe we have a problem; my daughter loves time-out. This all began Thanksgiving weekend, but I believe to give an accurate description we need to back up a bit. We started time-out as a discipline action. (I'm not a huge fan of spanking) So, the first day she experienced time-out she looked at me like "Hey this isn't so bad" and I began to worry. However, during her 2 minutes of time-out her daddy came home and she didn't think it was very fun to sit there any longer when she could be rushing to the window to greet him. It was then that I thought "Hey, this is going to work!" How wrong I was! You see, here is what happened Thanksgiving weekend: My daughter did something naughty and she was sent to time-out; all by herself, nobody was allowed to talk to her, be by her, look at her, etc. Here is the backfire, SHE LOVED IT! She loved the fact that in time-out she got to be by herself, no J.T., no Addison. My daughter began randomly putting herself in time-out. Or she would come to me and beg to be put in time-out. In fact, the only time she cries in time-out is when someone else is violating her time-out rules (a.k.a. someone is getting in her space)
So, what do I do? What new methods of discipline should we use? Beats me. Kameryn still understands that time-out is a punishment, but she also thinks it is a privelage. When she is having a rough day she is constantly begging me to let her go to time-out. I should have known this would happen, she has always been a girl who is very content to be alone. Ah children, you think you have them mastered and they turn the tables on you.
So, what do I do? What new methods of discipline should we use? Beats me. Kameryn still understands that time-out is a punishment, but she also thinks it is a privelage. When she is having a rough day she is constantly begging me to let her go to time-out. I should have known this would happen, she has always been a girl who is very content to be alone. Ah children, you think you have them mastered and they turn the tables on you.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
My Cure for Alzheimer's
In my old age I have developed a problem I like to call Alzheimer's. I can't remember anything. Even simple things like what I did yesterday, or what I ate for breakfast. However, my most common Alzheimer's problem is that I loose everything. Now I know it's Alzheimer's because I don't loose things on purpose, I just can't remember where I put them. (And Alzheimer's is a remembering disease) Take for instance today, I was cleaning and put my rag down in a spot I thought I would remember, on the corner of the table. Well, I went to use it and all of the sudden my Alzheimer's kicked in and I couldn't remember having moved it from the corner of the table. So, I have discovered that when all else fails (meaning my memory) I just ask my trusty "ultimate rememberer", she never fails to remember what her mother doesn't. Especially when it comes to promises of movies, baths, or Lydia's house. (That is why we've given up promising such things if she goes to bed, it always bites us in the rear end in the morning - pardon the expresion) So, my point is, if you have trouble remembering things, get yourself a two-year old. They never forget and they know all.
Oh, and by the way, my rag was conveniently located in the trash can. Which of course Kameryn knew right away. Funny, I don't remember putting it there...
Oh, and by the way, my rag was conveniently located in the trash can. Which of course Kameryn knew right away. Funny, I don't remember putting it there...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
There is a new favorite toy in the Bowen house: it is called the microwave. It might not sound like much fun to the average adult, but to a two year old it is awesome. There are a lot of buttons to push that make great noises. If you push the right one, it will hum for a while and then beep. And, best of all, if you put things in it, they get hot. Take for instance, Cooper's toy. It would've been really toasty if mom hadn't stopped the fun. But that's okay, because the new item of choice is popcorn. And you can actually eat it after you put it in the microwave. That is of course if you remember to take off the plastic. Otherwise it just sticks to the microwave tray. And as a few pointers, the best time to set the microwave for is 77:77, that way things are guaranteed to get cooked and the house might burn down in the process (It's okay, says Gwen, at least you have renter's insurance...) Also, learn to mimmick mom, if she says "Don't even think about it." That is the perfect time to repeat back "don eben tink bout it" and put the item in the microwave anyways. Oh, and another fun thing about the microwave is underneath it there is a cupboard full of pop. Great for 3 am thirst quenchers, just make sure you are extra quiet or your dad might hear you getting a rootbeer. Long Live the Microwave!! (and if Kameryn has any more fun, it won't live for long)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Don't Tell Your Daughter
Don't EVER tell your daughter you are going to Grandma's house until you are there. Because, the minute you tell her this she will beome an absolute terror. For instance, she will probably say she has to go potty, then go to the bathroom, say she has gone, only to sit down on her bed and go "Oh! mommy look, I go pee pee on my bed, it's all wet." Next she will probably dump a whole big box of Christmas nerds all over her bedroom floor. Then look at you (who, by the way is getting things ready to go to grandma's) and say "I make messes mom." Which then when you ask her to help you clean up, she will purposely make a bigger mess by running her hands through the pile, sending nerds flying through the air to all kinds of nooks and crannies in her room.
You will then find yourself getting very frustrated and so when she dumps out a big bucket of toys for the tenth time after you just told her not to, you will spank her bum. For which she will immediately run away, completely devastated and humiliated, so you will feel bad, apologize for spanking her but let her know why and tell her you love her.
You will think things are good between you and so you will tell her to go play with her brother while you change the wash. A couple seconds later, you will hear a terrible scream coming from said brother. Apparantly your daughter will have taken her beef with you out on her little brother and then throw the duvet on him so as to cover up the evidence. (By the way, he will continue to scream for a good 20 minutes after the incidence)
At such point, after the brother beating, you will tell your daughter that you have had enough and she is being a very naughty girl, therefore she will not be acompanying you, or the rest of the family, to Grandma's house. Of course this doesn't sit over well, and so you bargain with the small child. "Tell your mommy you're sorry, tell your brother you're sorry and put your panties on and then you can go to Grandma's. But you can't be a naughty girl anymore or you cannot come!!"
You won't see this naughty girl for about 1 1/2 minutes until she decides to dump out the game you just told her you weren't going to play (Not a little kid game, lots and lots of small pieces; which subsequently are now all over your floor). Next, when you least suspect it, you will glance up to see her scaling the entertainment center to get to the dvd player. An entertainment center that at any moment could come crashing down on her small frame. Understandably forgivable if this was the first offense, which it is not. No movie for said child, because that is not how we ask to watch a movie, which sends her in a fit of rage. Until, of course, she notices the Balmex. Which immediately gets spread all over her fingers, bum, wall, pretty much everything. This is about the time you call your husband to come and rescue your child from the wrath of her mother. He comes and gets her at 9:05, exactly 1 hour after you first told your daughter you were going to Grandmas.
I tell you this so next time you are tempted in your excitement to tell your daughter you are going to Grandma's house to see all her Aunts and Uncles and cousins - DON'T. And, absolutely DO NOT tell her how much fun you are going to have, or all the yummy food you are going to eat. It will only create a monster. My advice: wait. Wait until you have the car all loaded up and her buckled in her car seat, so when the excitement sets in, she will be properly restrained in said restraining devise and you can arrive semi-sane to Grandma's.
(Oh, and one more thing. Don't let her see you smile when she does any number of these insanely naughty things. For instance, when she flings the camcorder on the floor and then flashes you a big cheesy grin. Don't crack a smile, it will only fuel the fire. No matter how cute or funny she might be, resist. Stay strong and control the laughter in your voice when you tell her that is not acceptable behavior. Good luck, I couldn't do it and things only got worse, now I have a whole box of Teddy Grahams all over my floor.)
You will then find yourself getting very frustrated and so when she dumps out a big bucket of toys for the tenth time after you just told her not to, you will spank her bum. For which she will immediately run away, completely devastated and humiliated, so you will feel bad, apologize for spanking her but let her know why and tell her you love her.
You will think things are good between you and so you will tell her to go play with her brother while you change the wash. A couple seconds later, you will hear a terrible scream coming from said brother. Apparantly your daughter will have taken her beef with you out on her little brother and then throw the duvet on him so as to cover up the evidence. (By the way, he will continue to scream for a good 20 minutes after the incidence)
At such point, after the brother beating, you will tell your daughter that you have had enough and she is being a very naughty girl, therefore she will not be acompanying you, or the rest of the family, to Grandma's house. Of course this doesn't sit over well, and so you bargain with the small child. "Tell your mommy you're sorry, tell your brother you're sorry and put your panties on and then you can go to Grandma's. But you can't be a naughty girl anymore or you cannot come!!"
You won't see this naughty girl for about 1 1/2 minutes until she decides to dump out the game you just told her you weren't going to play (Not a little kid game, lots and lots of small pieces; which subsequently are now all over your floor). Next, when you least suspect it, you will glance up to see her scaling the entertainment center to get to the dvd player. An entertainment center that at any moment could come crashing down on her small frame. Understandably forgivable if this was the first offense, which it is not. No movie for said child, because that is not how we ask to watch a movie, which sends her in a fit of rage. Until, of course, she notices the Balmex. Which immediately gets spread all over her fingers, bum, wall, pretty much everything. This is about the time you call your husband to come and rescue your child from the wrath of her mother. He comes and gets her at 9:05, exactly 1 hour after you first told your daughter you were going to Grandmas.
I tell you this so next time you are tempted in your excitement to tell your daughter you are going to Grandma's house to see all her Aunts and Uncles and cousins - DON'T. And, absolutely DO NOT tell her how much fun you are going to have, or all the yummy food you are going to eat. It will only create a monster. My advice: wait. Wait until you have the car all loaded up and her buckled in her car seat, so when the excitement sets in, she will be properly restrained in said restraining devise and you can arrive semi-sane to Grandma's.
(Oh, and one more thing. Don't let her see you smile when she does any number of these insanely naughty things. For instance, when she flings the camcorder on the floor and then flashes you a big cheesy grin. Don't crack a smile, it will only fuel the fire. No matter how cute or funny she might be, resist. Stay strong and control the laughter in your voice when you tell her that is not acceptable behavior. Good luck, I couldn't do it and things only got worse, now I have a whole box of Teddy Grahams all over my floor.)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Our Talk in Church- a.k.a. Good one Curty
Today, Brandon and I got called to speak in church; Dec. 3, 20 minutes a piece, on: THE LAW OF CHASTITY. Yep, a topic I thought was only reserved for the bishopric or stake presidency. But no, a topic someone deemed worthy to give to the Bowens. Someone named Curtis Clayton! That stinker! But, of course we didn't know it was Curtis. (Okay, let me just say, first of all, how does Brandon not even recognize his voice!) I was absolutely mortified (So in case you don't know, Curtis is one of Brandon's best friends from High School)
So, here us suckers had believed him, this Curtis who had proffesed himself to be one "Sterling Swarflaker" of the ward, and we were left wallowing in misery as we tried to muster up courage to speak in church on the law of chastity. (Give us a break, we are still learning all the names of our fellow ward members)
Of course, my first reaction was to get on the phone and call Gwen to tell her how mortified I was!! I was about to call my mom crying when Brandon's phone rang. It was Curtis, Curtis Clayton. Our friend, whom if he ever tries something like this again will die, was calling to ask "Brother Bowen" about talking in church. It was then that it all clicked for Brandon and he realized we had been seriously had.
Nice one, Curty. May we just say, we hope your first born child is ugly. (Just kidding, that is totally mean. We know he/she will be adorable and we don't want it any other way.)
So, let us close by saying how relieved we are to NOT be speaking in church and how funny we do NOT think Curtis is. (Once again, still just kidding. That was stinking hilarious!!) And, by the way, DON'T anyone else think that the Bowen's are fun people to take for a ride, because, while we may be way too gullible for our own good and it may be very hilarious, it is not nice to play mean tricks on your friends.
So, here us suckers had believed him, this Curtis who had proffesed himself to be one "Sterling Swarflaker" of the ward, and we were left wallowing in misery as we tried to muster up courage to speak in church on the law of chastity. (Give us a break, we are still learning all the names of our fellow ward members)
Of course, my first reaction was to get on the phone and call Gwen to tell her how mortified I was!! I was about to call my mom crying when Brandon's phone rang. It was Curtis, Curtis Clayton. Our friend, whom if he ever tries something like this again will die, was calling to ask "Brother Bowen" about talking in church. It was then that it all clicked for Brandon and he realized we had been seriously had.
Nice one, Curty. May we just say, we hope your first born child is ugly. (Just kidding, that is totally mean. We know he/she will be adorable and we don't want it any other way.)
So, let us close by saying how relieved we are to NOT be speaking in church and how funny we do NOT think Curtis is. (Once again, still just kidding. That was stinking hilarious!!) And, by the way, DON'T anyone else think that the Bowen's are fun people to take for a ride, because, while we may be way too gullible for our own good and it may be very hilarious, it is not nice to play mean tricks on your friends.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
For Our Uncle Clinton
Tug of War
Kameryn has always been the perfect big sister. She makes Cooper laugh like no one else can. The two of them just seem to really enjoy each other. Well, today they made up a game to play with each other and they both absolutely love it.
Cooper was in an "I hate my mommy" mood today. Nothing I did made him happy. He screamed and screamed and screamed. So, Kameryn decided to try her hand at making him happy. She found one of my nylons and let Cooper grab hold of it. Then she grabbed onto the other end and they took turns pulling back and forth in a tug of war type game. Cooper loved it! He smiled and smiled and Kameryn just giggled. They played for a good 10 minutes. Sometimes Kameryn would win and sometimes Cooper would win.
In fact, Cooper won the last 6 rounds. the kid would just not let go of that nylon. The more Kameryn pulled the harder he held on and just giggled. He thought he was such hot stuff.
Can I tell you, on days like this, I am so grateful for my little girl. She is the perfect friend for her brother and he just idolizes her!
Cooper was in an "I hate my mommy" mood today. Nothing I did made him happy. He screamed and screamed and screamed. So, Kameryn decided to try her hand at making him happy. She found one of my nylons and let Cooper grab hold of it. Then she grabbed onto the other end and they took turns pulling back and forth in a tug of war type game. Cooper loved it! He smiled and smiled and Kameryn just giggled. They played for a good 10 minutes. Sometimes Kameryn would win and sometimes Cooper would win.
In fact, Cooper won the last 6 rounds. the kid would just not let go of that nylon. The more Kameryn pulled the harder he held on and just giggled. He thought he was such hot stuff.
Can I tell you, on days like this, I am so grateful for my little girl. She is the perfect friend for her brother and he just idolizes her!
Oh Man!
Kameryn has a new favorite phrase: "Oh Man!" She just started saying it this morning, but believe me we have already heard it enough to know its her favorite. It seems like everything said to her has to be accompanied by an "oh man!".
Kam, it's time to take your medicine. - Oh man!
Where's Cooper? - Cooper is asleep. - Oh man!
Kameryn, put that string down or mommy will put you in time out. - Oh man!
Kameryn it is time for breakfast - Oh man!
Well, apparently we have Lydia to thank for this. I called Gwen this morning to see if maybe Lydia was where she picked it up. "Oh yeah, Lydia says that all the time." It is funny how kids pick things up. I'm just glad Lydia is a good girl and we don't have to worry about Kameryn picking up bad habits while at her house, just funny new sayings.
Kam, it's time to take your medicine. - Oh man!
Where's Cooper? - Cooper is asleep. - Oh man!
Kameryn, put that string down or mommy will put you in time out. - Oh man!
Kameryn it is time for breakfast - Oh man!
Well, apparently we have Lydia to thank for this. I called Gwen this morning to see if maybe Lydia was where she picked it up. "Oh yeah, Lydia says that all the time." It is funny how kids pick things up. I'm just glad Lydia is a good girl and we don't have to worry about Kameryn picking up bad habits while at her house, just funny new sayings.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
All Dressed Up
Kameryn has started this new phase in her life, it is called dressing herself. Every morning she wakes up, picks out what she wants to wear, and wears it. Mommy never gets a say. Like today, she was in a tights mood. So, because she wanted to wear tights she had to wear a dress. (Kameryn's reasoning not mine) So she picked out what she thought was her prettiest dress (which of course means a Sunday dress). Next she had to pick the tights. She picked the pink ones that are a size or so too big because "dees are my baborate"
She completed the look with a "bow" and a "bracelet" and as always, her daddy's cheeser! But, I've got to say, every time Kameryn dresses herself she gets pretty close to matching quite well. I actually think she might understand the concept of matching (unlike her mother who is constantly asking "does this match?" Now of course Kameryn has come up with more unique arrangements of apparel; its just this morning she was so proud of all the pretty things she picked out that we had to take a picture.

Saturday, November 11, 2006
Our Wurtz Baby?
See a resemblance? We sure do. Cooper is so uncanningly familiar to J.T. It must be the big blue eyes and bald white head. J.T. of course has a little more meat on him, but other than that, pretty similar huh? Coop's even got the stick out ears! Unfortunately Cooper is in a bit of a mood today and so we can't get him to smile. But, if you're wondering what it looks like, just look at J.T.'s its pretty much the same.
What I am wondering is how my child looks like Gina's child who looks exactly like Dave, her husband? Hmmm... Maybe this is what the Hatch gene looks like?

My Thankful Turkey
This afternoon we decided to prep Kameryn for Thanksgiving. (We are trying to make up for totally blowing Halloween) So, we made a thankful turkey. Kameryn picked out all the feathers and she did all the gluing. She even helped mommy write what she was thankful for on the feathers. This is the list: daddy, grandpas, grandmas, mommy, aunts and uncles, friends (Addie and Lydia), cookies, and Cooper.

Grandpa Tractor

Kameryn is too young to know the different names of her grandparents. all she knows is she has about 5 pairs of grandparents (this includes great-grandparents because we just call them grandma and grandpa as well). Well, this morning, she discovered a new way to distinguish her grandpas.
We had spent Thursday visting Brandon's parents and Kameryn had spent the whole day driving Grandpa's tractor. She had so much fun and hasn't stopped asking about going to Grandpa's to help him drive his tractor. She has been saying things like: I know how to drive a tractor. My daddy knows how to drive a tractor, and grandpa, and Clinton. Mommy, do you know how to drive a tractor?
Apparently this trip has left a huge impression on her little mind for first thing this morning she found the baby monitor and was using it to talk on the phone to her Grandpa; Grandpa Tractor.
This is the conversation we heard: "Pompa Tacta how you? Me go your house Pompa Tacta? Helpy you dive tacta? ...." and so on for about 5 minutes. We thought it was cute. So, Kameryn now has a Pompa and a Pompa Tacta. We just wanted to share that, especially with Grandpa Tractor whom we knew would be looking at the blog.
Friday, November 10, 2006
From the Mouths of Babes
So, I decided my daughter says way too many funny things and I needed to start blogging them every week or so. Today was a good one, I was in the kitchen cleaning and I could hear Kameryn in the family room talking. As I listened closer I was able to make out what she was saying. "No mommy, top dat, top it, you wan me to paint yo bum" (Meaning spank your bum.) Anyway, I thought it was funny. Brandon is always saying "Stop, stop, stop, Do you want me to spank your bum?" Well, apparantely Kam has caught on. I don't know why it was directed at me, I wasn't even where she could see me. I am assuming she was role playing. Anyway, I thought it was funny. She never really gets her bum spanked, it's just empty threats but apparently she has realized that those are the words you say when you have had enough. (at least if you're the daddy, that is.)
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
My Beautiful Boys
Monday, November 6, 2006
So, we've been wondering about fun ideas for FHE for little kids. Well, when browsing we found these fun websites with great ideas fun lessons and such. So, if you're wondering like we were, check out these websites.
This one gives printable FHE lessons for each week.
This one offers all kinds of things, including fhe in a jar
The church website (located in our sidebar) also has tons of ideas for FHE
Let us know if you find any other great ideas.
This one gives printable FHE lessons for each week.
This one offers all kinds of things, including fhe in a jar
The church website (located in our sidebar) also has tons of ideas for FHE
Let us know if you find any other great ideas.
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Princess Cooper
Friday, November 3, 2006
Happy Birthday Daddy! (Brandon)
So today (actually the 4th but this won't post until then) is Brandon's birthday. We thought we would honor him here on our blog and tell him some of the reasons we love him so much.
1. He loves his kids more than anything in the world
2. He is crazy goofy when he plays
3. His fairy leaps
4. The way he is always right
5. and how he is so patient with the fact that I am always wrong...
6. His total cheeser smile
7. How he is so geeky about tractors and farming
8. He is so selfless, everything he does is for us
9. He is thoughtful in the most surprising and meaningful ways
10. He looks like he is about 15 (it's only 11 years off)
11. Watching a funny movie with him, it is impossible not to laugh. After all, he is laughing so hard he's crying. (If you've never had the opportunity to watch a funny movie with him, find a way too. Once you have, you'll want him around for every funny movie. He just makes it 300 times more hilarious.)
12. He always helps without being asked (and always above and beyond the call of duty)
13. He is a very friendly, fun-loving guy. You can't not love him. People just want to be around him.
14. He makes us laugh (down right giggle and snort- if you're KamBam)
15. He has incredible work ethic
Now, for the sake of not embarassing him we will stop. But as means of a "public" love letter I would like him to know the I love him beyond belief. His love and consideration for his family never cease to amaze me. Every day I find more reasons why he is perfect and I am the luckiest girl in the world. I never in my wildest dreams imagined a more perfect father, husband, and best friend. Thank you, Brandon, for all you do for us. We are the luckiest "kids" around. WE LOVE YOU LOADS AND BUNCHES!! Happy Birthday. - Love your family
Oh, and #16 just from me: He is so smokin' HOT! Check out these pics of him. Way too cute.

2. He is crazy goofy when he plays
3. His fairy leaps
4. The way he is always right
5. and how he is so patient with the fact that I am always wrong...

7. How he is so geeky about tractors and farming
8. He is so selfless, everything he does is for us
9. He is thoughtful in the most surprising and meaningful ways
10. He looks like he is about 15 (it's only 11 years off)

12. He always helps without being asked (and always above and beyond the call of duty)
13. He is a very friendly, fun-loving guy. You can't not love him. People just want to be around him.
14. He makes us laugh (down right giggle and snort- if you're KamBam)
15. He has incredible work ethic

Oh, and #16 just from me: He is so smokin' HOT! Check out these pics of him. Way too cute.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Big Girl
We have got some great news for the Bowen family. Kameryn successfully made it through the day with no potty accidents! We are trying a new technique: rewarding her for dry panties with stickers. Sounds simple but it is working. Every time Kameryn had to go potty, she hopped right up to the toilet no problems. We've known she's understood the concept for a while but we haven't made a big deal about it. We don't want to count our chickens before they hatch, but wouldn't that be awesome if stickers potty trained our child. We'll see. But, more than anything, we wanted to post this on our blog so Kameryn could see how proud we are! Go Kameryn!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Cute Costumes
Here is Kamey G. as a mouse. Check out that total Bowen cheeser!
Here are the two kids. Cooper went as a bear. (Actually, it is just a bunting we got at Old Navy to keep him warm. Fortunately for us, it has bear ears!)
There wasn't too much excitement going for Halloween. We missed all the trunk or treats and the carnival at the middle school didn't have much for little tykes. However, Kameryn did get a hot dog at a neighbors. She also went trick or treating at about 5 houses. Not much of a haul but she thought it was awesome. She practically skipped to and from every house. Next year, I think we are going to do a progressive dinner type trick or treating experience.

Here are the two kids. Cooper went as a bear. (Actually, it is just a bunting we got at Old Navy to keep him warm. Fortunately for us, it has bear ears!)

Our Yummy Halloween Donuts
Recipe by Alton Brown
1 1/2 c milk
1/3 c vegetable shortening
2 T yeast
1/3 c warm water
2 eggs (beaten)
1/4 c sugar
1 1/2 t salt
1 t nutmeg
23 oz flour (3 1/2 c flour = lb)
oil for frying
Place milk in medium saucepan, heat over medium heat, just until warm enough to melt shortening. Place shortening in bowl, pour milk over, set aside. Sprinkle yeast over warm water, dissolve for five minutes. Pour yeast mixture into mixer, add cooled milk and shortening mixture. Add eggs, sugar, salt, nutmeg, and half of the flour. Mix on low until incorporated, then mix on medium until combined, add remaining flour, mix again on low first and then medium. Continue to beat until dough pulls away from bowl and is smooth (3 min) Put in well oiled bowl, cover and let rise 1 hr. Roll out to 3/8" thick, cut out into donuts. Set on floured baking sheet, cover lightly and let raise 30 minutes. Preheat oil 365 degrees. Fry donuts 1 minute per side. Transfer to cooling rack.
Okay, that is the recipe. Here are our tricks. First of all, it sounds more involved then it actually is. Second, we have learned that if you're not set on the donut shape, it is much faster to roll it out and then use a pizza cutter to cut it into "bar donuts". The flour measurement we use is 5 1/4 cups. And that's about it. Here is the glaze recipe:
Donut Glaze:
1/4 c milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 c powdered sugar
Heat milk and vanilla on stove until warmed. Sift in powdered sugar, stir. Remove from heat. Set over a bowl of warm water and dip donuts.
Tips: Do take it off the heat and don't dip donuts until they have had a while to cool/drain. Otherwise the oil on the donuts will just slick the glaze right off.
We hope you enjoy! Don't be intimidated by this recipe. The first time you make them you may be a little unsure of yourself, but once you've made them once, it's a piece of cake. And, if you're a messy cook like me, be aware that this recipe can make a mess. (At least I always do)
1 1/2 c milk
1/3 c vegetable shortening
2 T yeast
1/3 c warm water
2 eggs (beaten)
1/4 c sugar
1 1/2 t salt
1 t nutmeg
23 oz flour (3 1/2 c flour = lb)
oil for frying
Place milk in medium saucepan, heat over medium heat, just until warm enough to melt shortening. Place shortening in bowl, pour milk over, set aside. Sprinkle yeast over warm water, dissolve for five minutes. Pour yeast mixture into mixer, add cooled milk and shortening mixture. Add eggs, sugar, salt, nutmeg, and half of the flour. Mix on low until incorporated, then mix on medium until combined, add remaining flour, mix again on low first and then medium. Continue to beat until dough pulls away from bowl and is smooth (3 min) Put in well oiled bowl, cover and let rise 1 hr. Roll out to 3/8" thick, cut out into donuts. Set on floured baking sheet, cover lightly and let raise 30 minutes. Preheat oil 365 degrees. Fry donuts 1 minute per side. Transfer to cooling rack.
Okay, that is the recipe. Here are our tricks. First of all, it sounds more involved then it actually is. Second, we have learned that if you're not set on the donut shape, it is much faster to roll it out and then use a pizza cutter to cut it into "bar donuts". The flour measurement we use is 5 1/4 cups. And that's about it. Here is the glaze recipe:
Donut Glaze:
1/4 c milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 c powdered sugar
Heat milk and vanilla on stove until warmed. Sift in powdered sugar, stir. Remove from heat. Set over a bowl of warm water and dip donuts.
Tips: Do take it off the heat and don't dip donuts until they have had a while to cool/drain. Otherwise the oil on the donuts will just slick the glaze right off.
We hope you enjoy! Don't be intimidated by this recipe. The first time you make them you may be a little unsure of yourself, but once you've made them once, it's a piece of cake. And, if you're a messy cook like me, be aware that this recipe can make a mess. (At least I always do)
Happy Halloween!
So, not much of an awesome mom this year. I usually like to go all out for holidays, but I just haven't seemed to have it together this year. No pumpkins, costumes, decorations, or parties. Granted, we've had are share of pretty good excuses this last month. So, I figure, there is always Thanksgiving. However, the one "tradition" I intend to keep this year is Halloween dinner. We ALWAYS have chili and donuts for Halloween. Our chili recipe is quite simple: a chili packet (follow the instructions) and add a tablespoon or so of brown sugar. We also find we like it best cooked in the crockpot. Simple and easy, but we've tried a ton of different recipes and this is our favorite. (However, if you have a different one that you really love, let us know. We are always trying new recipes!) Our donut recipe isn't quite so simple to explain, but if you bake, it is actually a really simple recipe and oh so delicious!! The donut recipe is in the blog above! Enjoy and Happy Halloween. (If we go trick or treating we will be sure to include pics!)
Friday, October 27, 2006
Crafts and Fun Stuff to Do
So, here is the scoop. if you want fun new ideas to do with your kids go to Loads and loads of fun crafty ideas, etc. You can even search for fun ideas by age. We have the link listed here on our blog under our profile and it will take you right there. Fun, fun times, best of all its free-ninety-free!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Fall Yard Work

Today was such a beautiful fall day! We decided to join our neighbors outside and spruce up our yards before the snow comes. Here are some pictures of the kids playing in the mule. They thought they were pretty awesome. And honestly, so did I because I got to check a project of my list. (Of course it wasn't on my list for stuff to do today... my house will just have to wait until tomorrow)

Kids in pics: Lily Neibaur, Jacob Ward, (Gwen was babysitting) Lydia, and Kameryn. Gwen also made a cameo appearance! Fun Times
Yummy New Recipe
Kay, so I've decided once in a while to post yummy new recipes we have found. This weeks recipes comes from Gwen. Way easy and yummy yummy.
Poppy Seed Chicken:
Cooked chicken (cubed) - the amount depends on your family size, we did 2 chicken breasts and it made enough for 2 meals about.
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
1 sleeve ritz crackers
2 tsp poppy seeds
1/2 cup butter
Put your chicken in the bottom of the pan. Combine the sour cream and soup, then pour over chicken. Lightly crush ritz crackers and mix them with the butter and poppy seeds. Pour mixture on top and bake in a 375 degree oven for roughly 30 minutes (just until brown and bubbly)
Serve with mashed potatoes. (I know it sounds weird but so yummy with the mashed potatoes!)
Hope you enjoy it. Like I said it is super simple and really yummy.
Poppy Seed Chicken:
Cooked chicken (cubed) - the amount depends on your family size, we did 2 chicken breasts and it made enough for 2 meals about.
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 cup sour cream
1 sleeve ritz crackers
2 tsp poppy seeds
1/2 cup butter
Put your chicken in the bottom of the pan. Combine the sour cream and soup, then pour over chicken. Lightly crush ritz crackers and mix them with the butter and poppy seeds. Pour mixture on top and bake in a 375 degree oven for roughly 30 minutes (just until brown and bubbly)
Serve with mashed potatoes. (I know it sounds weird but so yummy with the mashed potatoes!)
Hope you enjoy it. Like I said it is super simple and really yummy.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
My Big Ornery Butt-Head Day
Okay, so basically I am writing this blog today because I need a release. I am a big ornery butt-head today (so butt-head has become my new favorite mean name to call people: HOW TWO YEAR OLD AM I?) Anyway, I can't exactly say why, its just been one of those days when you wake up and none of your clothes look good on you, you spend all of church trying to get your too tired son to sleep, and you come home and cook a big dinner only to have to clean a big mess up. Nothing different then every other day, just today I'm ornery.
I decided maybe I needed some time to contemplate something other than my mood. I've been thinking a lot lately about the song "My Favorite Things" (I know, sometimes I can be such a cheese-head) I really thought of the words in the song and it got me thinking: what are my favorite things? So, here goes: "I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad"
I decided maybe I needed some time to contemplate something other than my mood. I've been thinking a lot lately about the song "My Favorite Things" (I know, sometimes I can be such a cheese-head) I really thought of the words in the song and it got me thinking: what are my favorite things? So, here goes: "I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad"
- Fall: the crisp air, the leaves, the chill, soup, football, holidays, harvest, all of it
- Rain: not the smell after rain, the actual rain, coming down, getting you soaking wet, making big puddles to splash in, that rain; it makes me happy
- Baby Kisses: you know that big open mouth kiss they give when they first learn how to kiss, they are so sweet. My son gives those right now. I just can't get enough of them.
- Laughter: Especially that coming from my children. Kamey can just get going so bad she snorts and Coop has just started to giggle and it's that deep belly giggle, so cute!!
- My Children: You know, I asked Brandon the other day if he ever found himself just stopping and staring at our kids and finding himself completely overwhelmed and speachless at the love he felt for them. He told me no, he doesn't have time to think, he just loves them. I for one, am constantly left gawking in love and awe for my children.
- Puppies: cheesy, yet true. I love puppies.
- Opera Music: Full blast, blow your eardrums out Opera music. (I often do the same thing with Show Tunes and Classical music.)I enjoy it so much I can hardly sit still, I'm on the edge of my seat taking it all in.
- Pottery Barn Catalogs: You know in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory how he gets the candy bar and savors every tiny little bit, savoring each moment. That is how a P.B. catalog is for me. Some joys just shouldn't be rushed, you need to enjoy every moment.
- Sign Language: I can remember next to none of it, but I love it.
- Cookies: a good chocolate chip (more cookie than chocolate chips)
- Cute Clothes: Especially sweaters and skirts. I know, I'm vain and materialistic, but i I were rich, I'd have clothes.
- The Arts: Theatre, museums, symphonies, galleries, you name it. I just haven't found someone as nerdy as I am to accompany me.
- Brandon: you know, he's my best friend.
You know, I've got to stop here. There are so many little things in life that make me so happy. I've only listed a few, but my son is so unhappy with me right now that I had better stop.
Thanks for the release.
Friday, October 20, 2006
This Dang Blog Thing!!

... and, okay nevermind because I think I just got it to work. So, enjoy two photos of us.
Fun, Fun, Fun, News!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Fun, Fun, Fun, News!!
Okay, so we don’t really have any, but we wanted to test this out. Honestly, I apologize to any of you viewing our blog. It is nothing special. You know me, I have got to get the format right first!!
Baby Cooper
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