Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dear Family,

If you would come visit me, then you could compliment me on my new drapes.

I'm just saying...

(Although, Mom probably won't like them so she'll say "they look like you" - her cop-out phrase for saying "not my style". Dad will most likely say "why did you need drapes, you already had blinds." The boys wouldn't care, because boys don't care. And KeiLani, my new favorite would say " I like your new drapes Britt" That's why KeiLani would be my favorite...unless of course she didn't like them.)


  1. I actually told Brandon when we came to pick of Kami last weekend that I liked your drapes. But you were at Jr Miss so you didn't hear. BUt I really do like them!

  2. Um, I like your new drapes, Britt. Can I be your favorite?

  3. Actually, I do like them. Just because I say that they look like you doesn't mean that I don't like them, it just means that they look more like you than me.

  4. why would we care about drapes come on we are you brothers we don't care about that stuff now if it were like a new cedar chest or dresser then i would care
