Tuesday, April 28, 2009


We are trying to potty train Cooper.

We are failing at potty training Cooper.

When your first child potty trains herself, with minimal encouragement from yourself, it sets you up for disappointment with child number two.

Cooper must have been feeling my discouragement this morning when I asked him if he would go sit on the potty and he in no uncertain terms told me no.

So, in his super sweet way, he tried to encourage me with the following.

"Mom, me no go poopoo in da pawee. My like poopoo in my pans. My like peepee in my pans. No poopoo peepee in da pawee. My like poopoo in my pans."

Wow, this whole potty training thing is going to work out just fine....



  1. Try having him "aim" for cherrios or frootloops thats what my mom (aunt Paula) did with her boys--Ashley

  2. I feel your pain. I even tried to bribe with candy. Now he demands that I change his stinky diaper AND give him a sucker. And how do you get them to stand when Dad won't show him how?
