Thursday, April 2, 2009


Kameryn has a fascination with ears. The bigger your ears are, the bigger you are. So, having big ears is a big deal to her. I remember a trip home from the store where she burst into tears because I had mentioned Cooper ears were bigger than hers. (Which they are, the kid has big ears.) I didn't know at the time that she thought that because Cooper's ears were bigger that must mean that he was bigger than her and she was emphatically sure that he was not.

Today Cooper placed two bowls over his ears and Kami said

"Wow Cooper! Are those your big ears? You've growed up."

Now she has the bowls over her ears and is saying
"I'm a growed up. I'm a growed up."

1 comment:

  1. Someday she will be horrified that she wanted big ears.
