Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Turning Green

My favorite thing about being a mom who doesn't do throw-up:
is that when my sick son throws-up on his bed...
and I have to clean it up...
he stays by my side giving a very accurate re-enactment of the events that transpired.
Complete with sound effects.
This is Cooper, right now:
"Me throwed-up - Ba-legh!"
Over and over again.
He really has the throw-up sound effect down.
It's been going on for the last 15 minutes. Every 30 seconds I hear "Me throwed-up. Ba-legh!"
(Like I needed the reminder.)
The sound effects alone are about to make me "throwed-up"
Trying to sound out how one would spell "ba-legh" made me gag.


  1. Boy, I can relate. I never did throw up very well. That is why you kids were trained so young to clean up your own. I am sorry.

  2. Boy, I can relate. I never did throw up very well. That is why you kids were trained so young to clean up your own. I am sorry.

  3. Oh Brittany, that is SO gross. You poor thing.

    Glad you made it through ok :)
