I've got to be honest, I've been a little concerned with Cooper. He just isn't talking. There, of course, are lots of reasons to justify this. Things like he doesn't need to talk because his sister talks for him, boys take longer, he's only 20 months, etc. So, I know I shouldn't worry, but all other little kids his age seem to be speaking sentences and I can't get him to even try to say things. He's much more content to make babble/grunting noises.
Well, it seems that in the last few days Cooper has decided he is ready to talk. It started in Utah when he decided he could say "bompa" and "bomma". Then, he decided he could repeat random fruits and veggies in the grocery store. He decided his brother had a name; "lan-yon". And Kameryn would be "bam bam" and of course we have "ew lu" (conveniently, since we no longer have an "ew lu", this just serves to bring up regretful feelings...oh the betrayal)
Brandon taught Cooper how to say spongebob. (Perfect, my son can't say please or thank you, but spongebob comes out clear as a bell. This is especially great since I totally looooove spongebob: so not.) I found out this morning that Cooper can say juice and milk. He's been holding out on me.... Honestly, I'm pretty sure this kid could talk all along, how else to you explain his vocabulary jumping from 2-3 words to 20+ in just one weekend.
"Look guys, uh-huh learned a new word"
"Actually, I've always had a rather extensive vocabulary, not to mention a phenomenal grasp of grammar and a superlative command of syntax. I simply chose not to employ them."
(Side note: How great is Little Rascals?! "Then the clouds opened up and God said, 'I hate you Alfalfa!'" He, he.)
Just thought I'd let you know I was thinking Little Rascals too. I'm pretty sure you didn't know that quote word for word though :)