Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Captain Underpants

Okay, Cooper is not potty trained yet, and this post doesn't really have anything to do with that, but I couldn't think of a different title for this one. So, here goes the story:
Cooper came into me today with a pen stuck down his diaper. He is really into sticking his hand down his diaper lately, but this is the first time he has stuck a pen down there. I guess he figures it works like a pocket. Well, I decided it was finally time to get my son dressed for the day. Guess what I found in his diaper when I changed it (not poop, remarkably)? I found a piece of yarn, stored in his diaper. So, maybe he was sticking the pen in his diaper to try and fish out the yarn. Now if I could only figure out why he stuck the yarn in his diaper... I'm actually glad that was all I found in his diaper. I will take random objects over poop any day, as long as they aren't random objects covered in poop. (Okay, I know that's gross.) Boys!

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