Okay listen guys, I will be the first to admit that I have been absolutely AWFUL at posting new recipes on the little piggy blog. (I am about to remedy that, check it out for an absolutely awesome group of new recipes) But, at the same time, with the exception of a few, everyone else has been slacking as well. Here is my challenge, I would like everyone to do their own {Memory Monday} and post a favorite family recipe on the food blog.
If you haven't yet been invited to join the food blog, count this as your invitation. And if I don't currently know you, all the better. If you send me a request to littlepiggyfood@yahoo.com I can send you an invite and then you can become a little piggy (contributor). We are ALWAYS looking for new recipes and new friends. If I was awesome I would offer a prize drawing for everyone who participates...and do you know what, I just might do that. So, I dare you, go to the little piggy blog and post your favorite family recipe, you just might win a prize!
Now, here is my promise to you, as contributors: I promise to post at least 2 new recipes a month as well as a "tips and tricks" post and a "favorite things" post. So there you go, the little piggy blog will become a happening place!
I actually checked out the blog a few days ago. I tried sending an email, but it didn't go through. I probably typed something wrong so I'll try to send it again tomorrow. I would LOVE to share some of my fav recipes. By the way, I've already used one of the recipes from it. The "Chicken Pockets" are a family fav now!