Hey guys, guess what today is...MONDAY!!! He, he. I'm totally awesome. You can sing my praises if you would like to, I won't mind.
What personality trait do you most admire? Why?
I like this question. I most admire kindness. Of course, there are a lot of admirable personality traits (the "I want a husband who is..." list comes to mind) Things like a sense of humor, conviction, work ethic (I do consider this a trait), integrity (this came in at a very close second), etc.
However, I once again have to say kindness. I believe I have only had 2 pet peeves ever in my life (3 if you count "topping off the tank". Please, when the tank is full, it's full. Don't round off the number, just pull the nozzle out. Especially when your paying with a debit card. You're not going to get back change. I love it.) So, my 2 pet peeves: un-tweezed eyebrows and mean people. Isn't it just as easy to be kind as it is to be mean? Maybe not... Mean people make me angry, and sad.
Anyway, I think kindness is important because there are a multitude of unpleasant personality traits that kind people just don't do. For example, kind people don't steal, murder, lie (with the exception of "lying to make you feel better"), gossip, poke fun, disobey, say or do cruel things, etc. Kind people do give compliments, they tend to control their tempers better, they are more enjoyable to be around... We are talking about true genuine kindness, not the two faced kind. People who are truly kind are kind not only to strangers, but also to family and friends. They are also kind to enemies and telemarketers. They are kind both in front and behind your back. Kind people smile more, laugh more, serve more, and give more. People who are really kind, are kind even when no one is watching.
So, there you go, for me, the most important personality trait to me is kindness. Followed closely by integrity. (Which I won't divulge into because my kids need help out of the bath.)
You don't have to jab me with the gas comment I know already.
I just want to point out that I'm extremely impressed. :) Good job.