Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today we were doing some "spring" projects. I naively told Brandon to rip the green carpet off our front steps. That was a mistake. Apparently that carpet is what was holding our steps together. Whoops. Wish I would have known that one before. We have already put a call into my father for aid. (Do you know what would be really sad? If my front steps got finished before my mom's...sorry mom.)


  1. I think that it would be ironic! How long has mom's been the "dirt mountain"!

  2. Bummer that it was astroturf that was holding your porch together, but how fantastic that you have a husband to whom you can say, "husband, please rip off the carpet" and he says "ok." (I have a husband like that too, it's great that they're so willing to help!!!) Hey, and by the way, I would love to post the fondue recipe on the food blog, but my invite expired because I waited too long!!! (and you clearly don't check your e-mail! because I e-mailed you about it, all bummed, and then didn't hear back and so I thought, oh sad, she doesn't want me to be a part of the food blog anymore...)
    It's all good though. I still love ya. Send me another invite to the food blog, please? :)
    love, Anna

  3. Oh no! It's always something, isn't it?!? Good luck with it!
