1. to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave:
Alright, here we go. Point one, since when does it snow repeatedly in April? As in, it snowed the day before yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. And, it continues to snow today.... SINCE WHEN?! I know Idaho can be colder, but come on, 6 months of winter?! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for winter and snow. However, I am a four seasons kind of girl, which means, respectively, each season gets 3 months. Now doesn't winter seem to be a bit of a hog? (especially since it cut my fall short, NOT COOL!) One inch + of snow on the 9th day of April (practically the middle of April) Not cool, not cool.
Point two, how long can a stupid "cold" last. Seriously people, we are going on 1 1/2 weeks of not being able to breathe. Consequently not being able to taste, talk, or, dare I say it... make out with my hottie husband. Come on...this is ridiculous. (This is so 'diculous it's RE-diculous) You go from a sore throat, to the chills, to a cough, to a sinus infection... all the while remaining in a constant state of bleh! Mucus my friend, not cool, not cool at all. Then, when you start to think, hey, maybe it's letting up, it hits you again. (how rude) Plus this thing spreads like wildfire. I can't play with my friends, I can't go to mutual, I can't go on a date with my husband, my kids can't play with their friends...bleh! Even a day at the park is ruined. (Not that we could go outside...double bleh!) Stupid cold. (You don't have to feel sorry for me, I'm just ranting.) I do realize that a large portion of you reading this are also suffering from the same thing, and so I rant for you.
Okay, so I only have 2 points to rant about. I really don't do this much, ranting that is. It's kind of pointless. (Doesn't change the situation, so there is no point complaining about it) But it sounded fun today. All in all, its just kind of one of those situations when you have to look life in the eye and say "Really? You had to do that?" That's all.
Oh, and point 3 - Why won't my kitchen stay clean???? (I tell you why, because I don't pick up after myself. If only it wasn't my fault...)
Ditto, ditto, and ditto. I'm with you, woman!