Friday, April 25, 2008

Lucha Libre

Brandon tells me this is what the mexican wrestlers are called. It better be, or it ruins my entire post.... just teasing. So here we have it, the boy with many nicknames, or not enough so we have to invent some for him...either way. Landon has a new name, a new alter ego: The Angry Burrito. (Sounds an awful lot like a Mexican Wrestler name, no? Well, either that or a Mexican Restaurant.) Don't be confused, he is not angry when he is a burrito, he is only angry if he is not a burrito. However, the "contented burrito" doesn't have the same ring. Hence, the Angry Burrito.
Have you ever heard of the burrito baby, when you swaddle your baby up like a burrito? Landon is definitely a fan. I don't remember Kami and Cooper hating it, but they were also born in the summer and I had a hard time swaddling them in lots of blankets when it was so hot. So, I really don't remember doing it much, so I can't gage their reaction to it. However, Landon, well he can't go without out. Whenever he is overly fussy we know what he is "asking" for, and it never fails. We simply wrap him up good and tight and he is a happy camper. Brandon has even gotten exceptionally good at this skill. (One which he fained incompetence with with our other 2 and in the first few months with Landon. Now he is a regular pro, he's giving me a run for my money.) Hence the nickname: The Angry Burrito. Landon, the Lucha Libre. (And, he is my first child to have enough girth to pull that one off. Bring on the Maori blood baby. Maybe we should put Clinton and Kadon in charge of his ensemble...)


  1. When I saw the title of this post, and the explaination of what it meant (mexican wrestler), I thought you were going to say Cooper was your Lucha Libre after the wrestling moves he was pulling on Landon yesterday! I'm guessing Landon likes being bundled up because it gives him a little extra padding around him for when Coop pounces! :)

  2. Oh yeah, and can you see that I'm home blogging instead of in town like I told you I was going to do...yeah, I'm a slacker!
