Monday, April 14, 2008

Thick as Thieves

How does one explain a post such as this. My son and I have decided to become outlaws. We are thinking along the lines of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid. Jesse James and Billy the Kid. Robin Hood and Little John. Rob from the rich and give to the poor and all that jazz... Not exactly. Honestly, we aren't really considering it, however, I am considering using these people as alias' or nicknames really.
Here's the deal, Landon and I, we're thick as thieves. So shouldn't it only be fitting that we have code names, alter egos... I think so. I don't know what it is, my situation during his pregnancy or what have you, but we have had this special bond between us from the beginning. I feel that Landon has it engraved within his little being that he is supposed to watch out for his mommy. Hard to explain, there is just that special bond.
Anyway, Landon has been unbearably cute lately (at least to me, his daddy is still suspicious, but I just think he's jealous) He has started smiling (not really though, he has been smiling for quite a while now) as well as cooing. The looks he gives me, and the stories he tells just makes my heart melt. Kameryn was never much one for the smiling or cooing. And, while Cooper would smile, (mostly at his daddy) he didn't really feel the need to "talk" to me much. Landon, however, acts as though there is nothing he would rather do than talk and smile at his mommy. It makes me so happy. It makes his daddy jealous, however, because his smiles and stories seem to be reserved just for me.
So, here are some pics of my partner in crime. Tell me which thief/outlaw name you prefer. By the way, check out those eyes!

Here is a video I have included for nobody's benefit but my own. I love this kid!


  1. I think me and Kami G. should be partners in crime. We'd be the hot Bowen Chicas. We'd watch Princess movies and talk about Pampa Tractor's swing-set. I even have an extra bedroom for her to move in immediately. What do you think?

  2. I definitely think all three of your kids look like siblings, but to me, Landon looks so much more like you than Brandon. So I guess it's appropriate that you are partners in crime...and sorry, I'm clueless on the nicknames, but good luck coming up with some :)

  3. I LOVE these pictures! Landon is getting so big!! He's such a cute little boy! Isn't it interesting how each child can be so different?!? I love it!

  4. these pictures are adorable I can't believe how much he's grown since I saw him last!
