- Cooper - who has been consistently screaming for the last hour and a half
- Kameryn - who has been using the last 1 1/2 hours to think of excuses for why she shouldn't be in bed. My favorite: "I was sleeping on my pillow and Cooper was screaming and woke me up." Yeah, you were sleeping. Was that during the 3 second pause between your last question, or the one before that. Sleeping my eye!
- And we have Brandon. (lucky dog)
Out on the couch we have me and the baby who believes that the night time is the best time for mom and me time...right. So, here I sit, amidst failing disciplinary attempts, and a cooing baby...at 10 o'clock.
I'm tired people! Landon is awfully cute though. Not to mention extremely responsive. That's convenient. And so I blog... Brandon, meanwhile, gets to answer all of Kami's questions while being abused by Cooper - he likes to toss and turn. I admit, he kind of got the raw end of the deal. However, his kids are now asleep while I continue to share witty commentary with my bright eyed co-host. He will also be spending the night in a bed, while I occupy the couch.
Have pity on neither of us. We are parents, this is what we do.
We should call each other. I am often up as well. What a fun coversation two tierd moms could have. I hope you all start feeling better soon.