Wednesday, April 16, 2008


My friends, the results are in. Landon and I have decided to be William Turner and Captain Jack Sparrow. (Yes I know this pic is of Elizabeth Swan and Jack Sparrow. However, I liked it.)
Anyway, I gave Landon the thieving options (including Bonnie and Clyde, which I forgot to mention on the last post) and he whole heartedly choose the pirates! I guess he is just the pillaging and plundering, set out on the high seas, type. (Either that, or he realizes that women just can't resist the pirates these days. Many thanks to Johnny Depp.) So, there you go people.
(Yes, I realize I could have chosen to be the girl...but. She's a little too brave for me and Captain Jack Sparrow is just the right amount of "Out there". So, we're a good fit.)
Here we are together. Don't we look like a force to be reckoned with.

Laffy Taffy joke for you:
Why are pirates called pirates?
Because they arr!
(So hilarious. I crack myself up.)


  1. That mean Landini is going to have to grow a mustache like me.

  2. I think Paco and Chancho would have been better names. Of course you would probably be Paco because Paco is a name that needs a mustache to go with it....I was totally kidding, don't kill me.
