Monday, April 28, 2008

Naughty Naughty

Had one of those days today: naughtiness all around. So, I'm paying the bills, like a responsible parent and all of the sudden my nostrils send up red flags. Could that be baby powder? No, Kameryn assures me there is no playing with baby powder taking place. Well I will make some empty threats just incase. (You know, the "if you guys are playing with baby powder you are going to be in big trouble" empty threats.) Unfortunately, Kami changes her mind. Baby powder is definitely being played with. In fact, she is most definitely sure that Cooper has dumped "sugar" all over her carpet. Yep, it would appear so...
Needless to say, my productive morning came to an abrupt halt. The children got placed in time out. Pictures were taken for your viewing pleasure. And then, I walked away. I didn't look at them. I didn't listen to them. I didn't clean up their mess. In fact, I put Turbo Jam into the dvd player and "worked off" my frustration. I still have baby powder to try and get off every surface in my children's room. I keep finding it in the oddest places. Naughty.
Ironically, while the kids were in time out, Kami took the opportunity to spank her brothers bum. (She was mad at him for getting "sugar" on her carpet. And, I assume, she figured it was his fault she sat and watched him do it; and even participated) It sounds funny, but it only added to my frustration. Cooper screams louder after his sister spanks his bum.


  1. Yea, your little man has finally started to search and destroy! Now don't get me wrong I totally have empathy for you but come on, how long have I been dealing with this in my house?! Gotta love the spanking by Kami!
