These are random, but they are the last of the jumple of pictures I took today. (Including a video of the brothers) Enjoy!
Cooper as he came out the bottom of the big slide. His daddy pushed him. (kidding Brandon) He doesn't look to pleased though.
Kami as she came out the bottom. Her exact words "Whoa!"
Then, of course, a cheeser.
So did you totally cock your head to the one side. Yeah, me too. Landon was completely bummed about missing the exciting photo shoot. So I took a couple of him. Unfortunately, he was a little (a lot) bit hungry, so this is the only one that turned out. Too bad we couldn't get any cute ones outside...maybe once he can get out of the blanket burrito he can have his own personal photo shoot. (I'm sure he can't wait for the day.)
Here is Landon swinging. This video probably has no relavence to anyone else, but I just wanted to get some video of Cooper with Landon. He absolutely adores the little guy!
And now, I need to go to bed. (Notice the time stamp? My clock says 11:48. I'm crazy!)
Okay so thank you once again for your help!!! The pix look sooo cute! My fav of Coop is the tree incident and the 2 of Kami Bam are the one at the bottom of the next post where her head is tilted and then the one of her stepping down the stairs on the jungle gym. Super cute!