Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Anyone who has talked to me in the last little bit has known that I need a project. Do you know when it feels like you are doing the same thing over and over, working your tail off and yet you have nothing to show for it? It's been one of those kinds of months. Hence the need for a project; a little something I've been dying to do and, once its done, its done and I can stare at it forever. Well, here we go. Yesterday I finally broke out my craft stuff and today I put the final touches on my masterpiece.
Here it is. (This is going in my kids room. We will be doing a very down played, sophisticated, low key farm motive.) The little blue paint chip in the background is the color I plan on painting their room. The "sign" won't neccesarily be arranged like this, it is just this way so you can see it all together. I'm missing the " ( " before the "cluck cluck" so I guess this project isn't completely completed.


  1. WAY CUTE!!! Do you want to make one for my kid's room now?!!:)

  2. Very cute. Ii like the pictures.

  3. Who are you? I wish I had talent...in ANYTHING! You just stole it all. :) LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

  4. Super FUN!!! I have been thinking that we need to get together and have a sister's get away. We can do fun crafties or just bum it. I heart the paint chip it'll totally rock!

  5. Did you draw those, get out! This is adorable and I am definitely a fan of blue walls, love them!

  6. So cute and fun!! I've been meaning do a few projects, also, but haven't quite gotten to them yet. Hooray to you for doing one!! (And such an adorable one at that!) :0)

  7. I love it! I need you to give me some ideas for my kids bedroom. In your spare time can you handle that! Thanks! Anyways cute, cute project! I am glad you were able to come yesterday!
