Monday, April 30, 2007


Notice something new? Our blog is changing! Clothes per say... We are trying something new. Definetly nothing against our old blog I just wanted to try something new and slightly more colorful. Unfortunately with the new colors our old header didn't match. So, I found this one and plugged it in. I wish it had a pic of my kids in it...but I don't have the software for that yet. So, for at least another week or so, this is our new blog and yes you are at the right place. Enjoy. Let me know your comments. (Such as: is it harder to read?) Enjoy

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I Love to See the Temple

Brandon and I were lucky enough to get the opportunity to go to the temple on Friday. We had Brandon's cousin watch the kids because they live right there in I.F. Anyway, Kameryn was throwing a big stink on the way up that she didn't want to go to Tom and Mel's house because "I do know Bogan...I do know Ashlyn!"
Trying to get Kameryn to understand why I wanted her to go be babysat I told her "Mommy and Daddy are going to the temple to show Heavenly Father how much we love him. We need you to go to Brogan's house so we can go." Immediately she responded with "But I wanna go to da temple." Her sincerity and pleading nearly broke my heart, but here comes the good stuff:
We hadn't spoken anymore about the temple since this incident (40 min. prior) and all of the sudden as we pull of the exit to go to the temple Kami says "Dat Jesus' house?" pointing to some grain silos. I told her it hasn't and pointed out where the temple was. I, first of all, was shocked she even knew the temple has Jesus' house. We sing "I love to see the temple" all the time to her, it is amazing how much of it sinks in and how much, as children, they already know.
Back to the story, Kameryn was disappointed she couldn't see the temple and so we promised her we would take her to see it when we got back. True to our word, on our way home we made sure to swing back by the temple to show her. She loved it. She kept saying that it was where Jesus was, and Jesus loved her, and Jesus made spiders for her, and it was so pretty, and, my personal favorite, "it so tall. It tall as da mountains! Me no reach it". Anyway, it was sweet to hear all her thoughts, and her knowledge of the Savior's love for her. We had to sing "da temple" song and she talked non stop about the temple (Jesus' house) from I.F. to Shelley where she finally fell asleep (that's about 20 min)
Of course, the talk about Jesus' house has continued, non stop. Yesterday she had made up a song about how Jesus' house was as tall as a mountain and she couldn't reach it. She also made a temple out of her blocks. It has been a really sweet, although obsessive, time in our house recently. And, just so you know, next time we go to town we are getting Kameryn her very own picture of "Jesus' house" for her bedroom.


Just a quick post (and unlike my other "quick posts" this one will actually be quick...) Cooper is saying Da-da. He has only said it a couple of times, but he has said it, clear as a bell. I, for one, like to think that Cooper said it to prove that he can, and now he won't say it because he wants us to know it is not a lack of skill preventing him from saying his dad's name, it's a lack of desire... I'm mean. I really don't think that's why. I just like to tease Brandon because, back when Kameryn would only say his name, he teased me.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cooper, my little Koala Baby

Do you know that my son Cooper gives the best hugs? They are not exactly hugs, per say but I needed some way to open my blog. Cooper has this way of clinging to me when he is upset. I just noticed it yesterday. He was upset and I put him on my hip and he wrapped his little legs and arms as far around me as he could and just clung to me. It reminded me of a koala baby. Then, this morning, he did the same thing because he was scared. Now, of course I don't want my child to be upset but it was rather sweet. He just wraps his limbs around me and snuggles his little head in close. The best part of it all, I can feel the little boy use all his might to grasp onto me, he is holding me as tight as his little body can, he just doesn't want to let me go. (and, frankly, I don't want him to) It is one of those precious moments of being a mother, one where you are so consumed with love and awe for the little miracle that is your child. You just want to hold onto it forever and be blissfully happy right there in that moment. It is truly a gift and a treasured opportunity.

E-mail Forward

Here is the deal, if you were lucky enough to be one of the receivers of this mass e-mail I sent out to you, good for you. If you are one of the unfortunate few, which includes my husband, then here you go. (This is also for all others whom I do not know their e-mail)
P.S. Don't click on this link unless you have read below and know what you are getting yourself into. You have been warned:
Let me explain. This morning in my e-mail I received a "getting to know you" questionnaire from my friend Ann. I believe there is a bit of fessing up to do. I always receive these e-mails and they always have a disclaimer on the bottom or top that says "I don't usually do these.." or "I was bored..." or "I don't like these, but I promised so-and-so" blah, blah, blah. No one will fess up to actually enjoying these things. But someone has to, otherwise I wouldn't receive them. So, let me do what all you other cowards can't. I fess up, publicly and whole heartily: I LOVE THESE THINGS!
Now, I may not always have time to respond, and honestly, I may not always read them completely, but I do enjoy them. I think they are rather fun. Of course, there is always the stupid, inevitable dumb questions but I just chalk those up to a lack of creativity (or, more often than not, a lack of understanding the art of creativity...) But I like them, and I LOVE filling them out. So bring them on. I, your friend, will not shun you. I will except the invitation without judgement. I will not think you are dumb.
However, I must warn you that I might send it back filled out, and then you have a predicament on your hands, because anyone who knows me, or reads my blog, knows I am very long winded when it comes to writing about things. But, hopefully my babble is a glimpse at my personality and not my short-comings.
I realize that I am probably the only person who will ever openly admit to liking these things, and that is okay with me. I am very comfortable with my cheesiness. I am also not so daft as to realize that there are quite a few people out there who really don't like these. I'm fine with that, my mom is probably one of those people. But, I must apologize because I will most likely send them to you anyway...just delete them. You won't hurt my feelings.
Lastly, because I wanted to, I have included the link where I have posted the questionnaire and my answers. I hope my confession allows others to come forward.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Quick Hitters

I have a few things to post that are more for my benefit than yours. (I use my blog as a journal of sorts and so I wanted to document this somewhere)
- Cooper says "mama". He has been saying it now for a while but it is still very cute. He even diferentiates between "mama" and "mam" (he always babbles mama, but when he really wants me he yells out "mam!" -way stinkin' cute!) The funniest thing about this whole situation is when his dad tries to get him to say Daddy. He blatantly refuses, he just looks at him and says "mam!" The harder Brandon tries, the more Cooper resists and he wil start talking over Brandon: "mamamamamamamamama Mam!" I have to say it is adorable. (especially since Kameryn said her Daddy's name first) He even does this with his grandparents and aunts, he refuses to say anyone's name but mine. (I'd like to say it is because he prefers me best, but I really know it is because I am the only name he can say.)
- Kameryn is in a pink fettish. Everything she wears has to be pink; pink shirt, pink pants, pink shoes... The pink never ends. I, myself, am more of an equal opportunity kind of girl, I like to give all colors equal playing time, and I must admit, I am going crazy with this "all pink, all the time" attitude. Mostly because I am not a huge pink-on-pink fan and I feel like my daughter is going around looking like nobody loves her. (Especially when you throw her awesome hair in the mix. The hair that couldn't stay combed if it's life depended on it...) So, I currently have a pink ragamuffin living at my house.
- Cooper got a sun burn...I am so neglectful. His poor little bald head is now pink.
- Kameryn loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It is the first thing she wants to do when she wakes up and the last thing she wants to do before bed (thank goodness for a DVR) Brandon and I let her watch it because it is teaching her a lot of things. We also watch it with her so we can pause it and make sure she is interacting and really learning what it is teaching. Anyway, I think we have seen every one they have ever made, eight or nine times at least, and sadly, we wake up singing "It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, come inside it's fun inside..." Bonus, I think Kameryn is learning to spell Mickey Mouse....maybe she should learn to spell her own name first...
- I don't know if I ever documented this, but Cooper is crawling; army crawling that is. He is wicked fast and loves his new found mobility. He started around Easter lets say. Right now he is experimenting with getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. Fun times.
That's it for now. So much for "quick", but, you know me, I tend to beat the horse until it is dead...sorry.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Once again, my daughter has dumped milk on my son's tray. I am so frustrated I could scream! (instead, I am blogging) What should I do? Apparently my daughter can not get enough of seeing her brother break out into hives. Or, perhaps, seeing her mom clean up the mess. It has been a long superwoman day. A my mom or Gwen day, if you know what I mean. (If you don't, it means I accomplished super human feats of cleaning, cooking, child rearing, list "crossing-off"ing and project completing proportions) and frankly, this superwoman is tired. Emotionally and physically, phsycologically and spiritually drained! The last thing I need is chocolate milk on every surface of my dining room and hives on every surface of my son. Why can my daughter not understand this? Fortunately for her, I have a very high tolerance level and instead of screaming, hitting, and all other manners of profanity... I blog. (and, I must say, my children are definetly enjoying my blogging on the toilet while they bathe. They get to stay in longer.) Anway, if you can't tell, I had to let off some steam. Thanks for listening. (By the way, check out Coop's grin. He is so much more apt to the photo ops than his sister. He actually looks at you and smiles when you ask him too. He even keeps his eyes open!)
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50 states

So everyone needs to try this and tell me if they are as big of losers as I am. (Hopefully you are) one of my goals for goals bingo is to learn all 50 states and where they are (sad, I know, but at least I am working towards remedying my stupidity) Anyway, I came across this link. Good luck. If you do it on the first try, I HATE YOU!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Blond Bombshell

This is our sure-to-be knockout Kameryn Grace. She has the most beautiful tan skin and big dark eyes, in contrast to her blond hair; she is definetly going to turn heads. We took these pics so she would keep the ribbon in her hair. She loves to know her picture is going on the blog.
Here she is sporting her Daddy's smile. She is such a beautiful girl, inside and out. We are so lucky she is ours.
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Baby's First Haircut

It is official, our child has had his first haircut. That's right: HIS. No, Kameryn has not officially had a haircut yet. And, technically, neither has Cooper, but I did cut his hair this morning. I got tired of my husband calling my son Bro. Boshwieler. (Bro. Boshwieler is a man in our ward who, shall we say, is a less than desirable comparison to my son... Anyway, he shaves his own head and always misses these long hairs in the back.) Cooper had these little wisps of hair that were longer in the back. He also pretty much looks like an old man from the back, on account of his bald head and stick-out ears. So, this morning, I took the scissors to the long wispy strands. I tried to take before and after picks, but he was so squirmy that they didn't turn out. A part of me was a little sentimental; his hair was so soft and blond, plus it was the only hair on his head. However, I just couldn't stand the thought of the alternative... if you know what I mean.

Our Oreo Boy

Friday, April 20, 2007


So, I have a new obsession: Goals Bingo. Let me explain; I ran across this concept while reading Family Fun. Ironically we had recently had a FHE on the importance of goal setting and accomplishing. I have just been feeling lately the need to set goals and accomplish them so that I/we have a definite purpose/direction in our lives, we are not just letting each day go by, but we are constantly learning and growing in the direction that brings us to who we want to be. Hence, goal setting.
So, now that I have so eloquantly peaked your intrest in goals.... you might wonder what exactly is goals bingo. It is actually a quite simple (yet brilliant) idea. You take a Bingo card and list a goal in each square. As you accomplish the goals, you cross them off and when you get Bingo or blackout you get a reward.
We have tailored this idea to our own needs and our version of the card is here:
Our family is now using this idea on a regular basis. The first Monday of each month we will set aside some time in FHE to make up our new Bingo cards and talk about the goals we were able to accomplish the last month. We aren't placing huge goals in each box, they are more micro goals that will help us accomplish our bigger goals (it is a good idea to make your goals first and then see if they need to be broken down into micro-goals to make them easier to accomplish) Anyway, now I am pretty much babbling. I just think this is a fun idea and I excited to start on my goal accomplishing journey. (I am also excited for my rewards which consist of things like a new necklace, church shoes, a date with my husband, etc.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mattress Allergy?

So, we are just posting this out into blog world to find some answers. We think Kameryn may be allergic to something in her room which is then causing her asthma attacks. Brandon and I had an epiphany last night when we realized Kameryn always and only had coughing attacks at night when she was put in her own bed. (Which, by the way, may be why she hates her bed. Funny story, yesterday I moved her mattress out of her room so I could get to some of the bins under it. She walked into the room and said "Where's my bed?" I responded "You told me you didn't like it, so I got rid of it." -reverse psychology - "Oh, ok" -reverse psychology denied!)
We got to thinking, I wonder if there is a correlation. Her coughing started when we got the mattress, so maybe that is it. We don't even know if one can be allergic to their mattress. But we have been told that allergens can cause asthma attacks (which is why we replaced her pillow and comforter a while back)
Now, we also realize that Kameryn occasionally has coughing fits at night when she isn't in her bed. But, when we can get her to sleep in her bed she ALWAYS has them. Of course it could be an allergen in her room instead of her bed. We are just starting our "investigation" so we haven't ruled anything out yet.
Anyway, we would appreciate if you would leave comments if you know anything about this.

Motherhood and Mayhem

It is time I blog about the mayhem in my life. Which, I am thinking, much like my post: Out of the Mouths of Babes, this post title should be a reoccurring one, since this situation is a constant. (In my life at least) Anyway, little things, like Kameryn coloring on her brother's head while I am doing laundry (check an older post for this story and corresponding pics) happen to me all the time. Well, it occurred to me after a long day chock full of mayhem that these events are triggered by the same cause: me trying to accomplish something. Yesterday was the day I had made up my mind to finally get some long needed deep cleaning done. My goal was to start in Kame's room and work my way from there. Well, I hadn't even begun before Kameryn got down my basket of colored pencil and dumbed them, and the beans I use in the bottom of the basket, all over the floor. She then recruited her brother (which she always does because its funner if they're partners in crime) and the two of them started throwing the beans all over the living room floor. That, and eating them. (Kameryn made sure that Cooper had help shoveling dry pinto beans into his mouth)
Also on Kameryn's agenda of mayhem yesterday was to make a really big mess. So, of course she recruited her brother. Snack time posed the perfect opportunity. An unsuspecting mother had given them graham crackers and milk. Cooper didn't get any milk because 1, he's little, and 2, he has a really bad skin allergy to milk (and milk products). Kameryn had to make snack time fair (or messy, I haven't yet decided her motives) and so she dumped her milk on Cooper's tray. Cooper immediately began splashing - what fun! And sooner then I had time to react, milk covered my son, my table, my mirror, my window, my floor, and yes, even the host of this little reality show, Kami Bami. She, of course was not pleased and so she started screaming/whining. Cooper couldn't decide what he was. The milk was beginning to sting and so he was screaming. Yet, simultaneously he continued splashing.
Of course, due to Cooper's allergy, immediate action had to be taken (otherwise, I might have paused briefly for a blogging photo op). Cooper was plunged into a bath and given benadryl. He still broke out in hives, all down his legs, chest and arms. His eyes also puffed up and surrounding face sported it's share of red bumps. luckily, it cleared up fast.
We also had a bubble fiasco, play-doh escapade, etc. I am just looking at how long this blog is getting so we are going to stop here. By the way, if any of you are wondering how I fared yesterday, I got the kids rooms and bathroom deep cleaned, as well as the hallway, and the dining room. That means I only have 4 rooms or so left and only 6 loads of laundry (I lost track of how many loads I did yesterday, I just know it was a lot.) I guess we will see what kinds of mayhem we will get today. Cooper's thrown-up on the carpet already and Kam and Wyatt made a good mess out of a bag of popcorn. At least today I am prepared for the backlash that should come as I try to clean.

This is just a random pic of Cooper helping himself to the yogurt Kameryn left about. (She does this all the time, I find random yogurt containers all through the house. Most of the time they are empty, but on fortunate days like this one, she leaves them full.) This little rendezvous ended with yogurt all over the carpet. We are probably going to have to replace the carpet when we move out..we are so not carpet people.
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No way!

So guess what today is. Today is April 18th and yes, that is snow. In fact, it is still snowing and has been for the last 2 hours since this pic was taken. Idaho weather is so bizzare at times. I must say it's kind of fun. (However, I haven't been out in it yet, and those who have say its no fun!) Also, I probably should apologize to Gwen and the weather service, because when she told me on Monday that it would snow on Wednesday, I kind of just shook my head and went "Oh Gwen, you don't always have to believe what they say on the news..." Guess maybe I should have believed them...since they were right!
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Picture Sorting

Ever since the scare we had when our computer hard-drive could've been wiped, I have been trying to organize our photos and get them burned onto disks to go in a safe place. After a long day of cleaning, I figured sorting pics was the perfect way to unwind. A guy at Brandon's work told him when you organize pics to have a folder with all the pics taken that year and a folder with just the best photos of that year. So that is what I've been doing - which means I have to open each folder and browse through all the photos to pic the best.
Needless to say, it has been a trip down memory lane. Especially when I came across our wedding pics. It was fun to see how much everyone has grown up in just that short 3 1/2 year period. So, for nostalgic's sake, I decided to post a couple of them that made me go "ooh.." (By the way, these are the candid shots my Uncle Perri took)

Me and my dad and then me and my hubby (I love Brandon's face "Doh.. you taking my picture?")

Eating cake (it was actually really yummy, even though I am spitting it out) and me with Gina, Alyssa, and Jamie (look how little, he's bigger than me now.)
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Friday, April 13, 2007

My Teething Monster

My poor little boy is breaking teeth again. It is so hard on the little guy. Kameryn always got ear infections, Cooper just gets miserable. He gets really bad fevers and cries and cries. I can tell he is in so much pain but I really can't do much for the poor kid. Hopefully his tooth will break soon and he won't be so miserable. And, quite frankly, neither will I. It has been so hard this week to get anything done because he has been a constant ball of misery. Poor little guy.

Les Miserables!

I couldn't wait a second more to blog about what a good night I had last night. I MADE Brandon take me to Les Mis in Pocatello. (Luckily I convinced Mandi to come too so I didn't have to be the only one excited to go, Thanks Mandi...) All I can say, (actually, for those of you who know me you will realize I can say a lot, and probably will) is HOLY CRAP! It was incredible. Our show consisted of all students and I was blown away by some of the talent. Granted, a few of the parts, while very good, were what you would expect of a good student production. However, the boy, Nathan Allen, who played Jean Val Jean, was the best I had ever seen or heard in that part. He was remarkable. I don't know if I've ever seen talent like that (and I've seen my share of talent) Awestruck is the best word. His voice sounded way too mature to be coming from one so young, but definitely not mature in a bad/annoying way, mature in a perfect/poignant way. Bring Him Home brought me to tears. (I must admit, it had never been one of my favorite Les Mis songs until I heard it last night) As a music person I too often find myself critiquing and setting myself up for a let down. (I know I shouldn't do it. I blame it on my AP music theory) As hard notes would come up I would silently pray, "Please let him hit this". He always did. Nailed it out of the park. Honestly, this kid was fantastic. I even came home and started listening to my Les Mis CD. Sadly, my cd's Val Jean can't even begin to compete with this young boy.
Eponine, Gavroch (the little boy who dies), and Thenardia (please ignore my french spelling, I'm just trying to add one of every vowel and hope I get it right) were also incredible as was Marius. All in all, a tremendous performance. I can't wait to see it again (and you know I will) and hope my mom can come out. For those of you living near, make the trip to see it. It is at the Mystique theater in Pocatello/Chubbuck. It's a little pricey ($18-22) but I belief it is worth it. I love Les Miserables, always have, and it is always so thrilling to see and have it presented so masterfully.
For those of you who aren't show tune/theater geeks like myself, Brandon even admitted to liking it. He started out saying "I guess it was all right" and is now uttering phrases like "It was actually really good" and encouraging his co-workers to go see it. Maybe I will make a thespian out of him yet.. just kidding. I know I could never get him that into it (kind of wouldn't want to either) but I am starting to see a glimmer of hope that I may be able to at least get him to consent on his own free will to accompany me. And maybe, one day, he will take his own initiative and arrange the outing all on his own....I know, probably not, but a girl can dream.
GO SEE IT!!! Better yet, come get me and we'll see it together!

Saturday, April 7, 2007


We just wanted to wish all of our friends and family a happy easter!

Grandma and Grandpa Tractor and "Ann Manny" at our Bunny day party. (The Easter Bunny comes to our house on Saturday so we can keep Sunday for the real meaning of Easter) We were so happy they visited.

Kameryn's happy easter grin. She obviously couldn't contain her easter egg hunting excitement.
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A Family of Field Men

On Friday, the whole lot of us went out driving with Brandon checking beet field. It, ironically, has been something we really enjoy. We stopped off in a field to check for beet seeds/seedlings. Kami, of course, hopped right down and followed her dad into the field, squatting down to dig in the dirt right along side him. Brandon had just gotten a new camera for work that he was supposed to test out and so Cooper and I followed him into the field. I couldn't exactly take pictures with Cooper in my arms, so I sat him down in the dirt next to his father. I have to tell you, I have never seen the boy more excited to be sat down in his life! He took to dirt like a fish to water. He began by running his hands through the dirt, then proceeded to toss it in the air, and finally began shoveling it in his mouth as fast as possible. It was so fun and I never expected such a reaction from him. Of course, I should have known, he's got dirt in his DNA. Not to leave Kameryn out, she loved it just as much as she always does. I tell you, with kids like this, Brandon needs to watch his back, they will be coming after his job in no time. Check out the link for more pictures (I just wanted to post them all!)
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"...Plant a Garden"

Check out our wicked awesome garden starts! I am so proud of them. We planted the seeds last weekend when my parents were here. It hasn't even been a full week yet and look how much the've grown! Our pumpkins (the big ones down at the end) are already taking over, we have to move them into styrafoam cups. I am so proud! We have tomatoes, pumpkins, and peppers planted in here and today we are going outside to plant our carrots and onions. so, I just have to say..."Look mom! Look! We did so good!"
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My Budding Artist

I was in the other room putting clothes away, and when I came out, what should my wondering eyes see but a little girl and a black dry erase marker. Yeah!! She had marker on her toes, hands, and legs. She also had colored the kitchen floor and the fridge. It made me giggle! My personal favorite was the back of her brother's head. (He didn't find it as comical as I did) I, of course, put her in time out and then had her clean up her mess. This whole experience was just too "two-year old" to resist blogging. This same day, she dumped out a whole bag of potato chips for her brother, and used a chair to climb up and get Cooper candy as well. Milk duds and lemon heads, no less, the perfect food for a 9 month old. Such a little helper.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Thank You Tearsa!

I would like to draw all of your attention to my incredible new blog header, brought to us by my new friend Tearsa! In my "blog-stalking" days, I stumbled across her/her mom's blogs and was immediately envious of their headers. One day, when I could stand it no more, I finally got up the courage to leave a comment and ask how it was done. Tearsa was so nice and immediately offered to help me. Now, I am ashamed to say, Tearsa helping me turned into Tearsa doing all the work. She even got herself the picture. I pretty much just sat around and picked my nose. (Not really, I tried to help/do my part, but I made more of a mess of it then anything else.) Anyways, I just wanted to publicly thank Tearsa. She was so sweet and helpful! I can't thank her enough!
By the way, no one else get the idea that you can ask her to do the same for you, she is just my friend, not yours! Just kidding. I just don't want poor Tearsa to think I am advertising her services, because that would be rude. And I'm nice... Anyway, I am just expressing my appreciation for this wonderful new blog header!! My blog already looks cooler/more professional, wouldn't you say? Now I just need a new "journalist" and "photographer" to replace my current one (me) and we are on our way to stardom! GO US! ... no, actually GO TEARSA!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Tent Fun

Ever since I made a blanket fort for Kameryn (another "Oops, forgot to blog" moment) she has been asking for a tent. I keep telling her later, later, later and today I finaly said to myself "how long could it take". After making a blanket fort and continually being called back into the room to fix it, my mind happened upon an idea. I got down her play fort/tent we had bought her this summer at Costco. It assembled in a snap and, best of all, stayed assembled! Kameryn of course loved it and Cooper really loved it too.
I love Cooper's face in this bottom picture!
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Little Laundry Guy

Cooper was helping me do the laundry the other day. I couldn't seem to switch the wash with him in my hands and so I put him down. I promise when I first sat him in this hamper he was smiling. But, by the time I got back with the camera, he was not amused. Bummer, because he made the cutest little "Mommy's helper".
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After living here for a year, Brandon and I could take it no more! We needed some sort of hard surface out our back door to help with the cleanliness of the backyard (dang dogs! ... I love dogs, but this is a long story) It was with the approval of our landlords that we decided to lay a "patio". Nothing big or spectacular, but definetly an improvement. I didn't get before or after pics, but I did get a during and here it is. This was our first patio laying project, and while it is by no means a professional job, we must admit, we did good. I enjoy home improvement more than I can possibly say. As a renter, it's hard to get the opportunity to do so. This project allowed me a release from all my pent-up home improvement energy. And, I might add, my husband was quite the man!! (It would have made up for his pansy mouse experience had it not happened prior to the instance) Go Bowens!
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Girls Night

Whenever I import my photos from my camera I find pictures I meant to blog but haven't. So then I go on a blogging spree and post 8-9 posts in one sitting. Today is one of those days! These are the pictures I took one night after Kameryn and I painted our nails while Brandon watched basketball. I just love her faces that she is making for the pictures, she is quite the versital poser.
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General Conference

We just had a wonderful General Conference. My family came up from Utah to spend the weekend with us. I was so excited, I turned into my Grandma Faun! (Wanting to bake cookies, make elaborate meals, etc.) It must be something in the Idaho air... Anyway, my family was the whole reason conference was so awesome. We really didn't listen to much conference, my brothers are so noisy... Just kidding! It's hard for me sometimes having them live in Utah with all the rest of my family and having me be the only one up here by my lonely. So, it is such a treat when they come up here to my little world to share in it with me. So, we just had to blog to let them know how grateful we were to have them here. We really love anytime we can spend with them.