Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Look at these two handsome men I found in my bed late this afternoon.

Lucky girl.

B was trying to get a quick 20 minute nap before he had to go to Young Mens. Can you guess how well that turned out? Some little stinker wouldn't let him get any sleep. (Okay, I suppose me hovering over him with a camera didn't help either.)

Kiss and Tell

My daughter is a hoot! Sometimes I never know what to expect out of her mouth. Just when I think I have her figured out she turns the tables on me and spits out something completely crazy.

Here is her latest:

Monday after school she was complaining about not being able to eat her after school snack because her lip was hurting "so bad". Brandon was there because he had picked her up from school. He started teasing her saying
"Oh no! Your lip is going to fall off! And if your lip falls off how are you going to kiss all the boys?"

So, here is when I thought for sure that Kami would start crying or pouting "I'm not kissing any boys!"

But instead, Kami whipped around without missing a beat and said
"LIKE THIS!" this isn't the example she showed Brandon, but she was worried everyone would laugh at her "just one lip" kiss face.

Brandon and I were in such a fit of giggles we couldn't contain ourselves (okay, maybe it was just me) What in the world? First of all, I am so proud of her for standing up to her Dad's teasing. Second of all, I'm a little worried that I now have a daughter who has already planned how she is going to kiss the boys. (Regardless of whether she has one lip or two.)
Fast forward to today when she was a little distraught.
"Mom, I'm worried about kissing with only one lip because then I can't make the kissing "mwaw" sound. "

Kami you crack me up.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fun with Fog

It's cold outside and so my sun porch windows are fogging up. Looks like I've had a couple little kids finger painting on the windows. (sorry, it's a little hard to see. Look close)
This is my favorite pane.

If you look closely you can see multiple hand prints (how did they get up that high?) and my personal favorite, a little face.

Guess it's safe to assume that when spring rolls around I'll be adding window cleaning to the arsenal.

Music Selection

Today Cooper asked me if we could play the song "Take it down, take it down. Put yo booty on da ground." I'm not exactly sure what that song is.... but I'm thinking it's time we start listening to more age appropriate music at our house.

Another song favorite of Cooper's: "Don't stand! Don't stand! Don't stand close to me! Run girl... me or my... Don't stand close to me!" - that's a personal favorite of Brandon and I's. (and yes, I am highly aware that those aren't the literal lyrics. These are the lyrics in Cooper speak)

By the way, Landon's favorite song, "Belly Dancer" by Akon. yeah... I'm wondering if that's the song Cooper's trying to request. hmm.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Squirt Guns

Kameryn got in trouble this morning for putting stickers on her bunk bed. Brandon told her she knew the rules, she was in trouble, and she had to clean it up. She of course reacted dramatically. Brandon shut her in her room.

Cooper had the following to say:

"Mommy, if my Daddy do that to my sister one more time I will so get my squirt guns and I will shoot him right down and then he will cry and I will put him in time out. If he do-s that one more time. You tell him that Mom."

quite the little protector.

Friday, February 12, 2010

"If you were my kids I'd punish you!" - " If we were your kids, we'd punish ourselves!"

It's been a week since my last post. I often feel neglectful about that, but then I think to myself "Self, has anything note worthy happened this last week?" and I have to regretfully admit to myself that, no, nothing really of note has happened. And so I sigh and get back to the day to day grind, feeling bad for all my blog stalking enthusiasts who look to me for entertainment.

Well guess what? Cooper hear's your pleas for more excitement on this blog and so today he took one for the team.
Anyone else see a resemblance to a certain puppy? I must admit, it's the very first thing I thought of when I saw his face. Of course my next thought was church on Sunday... (I just can't stop giggling)

Luckily Cooper's taking it all in stride. Adorably enough when Cooper saw this picture he said "Hey! That doggie looks like me!"
Not sure how this happened, but rest assured Cooper let me know that he tried to wash it off with water "but it just won't come off." and Kameryn informed us all that "well that's permanent and it won't go away until Christmas."

Days like this I wish my brother wasn't in the Ukraine because we could have quite the time texting Little Rascal's quotes back and forth.

After reading my sister's comment I had to edit this to include the following:
That's permanent marker! Not makeup.

Friday, February 5, 2010


Sometimes you stumble upon ideas that are "so you" (so me) that you just can't stand it. This is one of those projects. I originally saw this idea while blog surfing one day and I knew immediately that I had to do it.
I loved this for two main reasons: #1 I love goals #2 I love subway signs.
Now I love it for three additional reasons: #1 It turned out AMAZING! (even more amazing then my original inspiration if I do say so myself) #2 It reminds me every day about our family goals. #3 It looks beautiful and very very me.
Okay, how about 4 reasons? #4 Brandon loves it too. No joke! Seriously, I made this one Sunday afternoon while Brandon was napping. I was very excited to show it to him when he woke up and see if he liked okay. Okay enough for me to put it up in the house and guess what he said? I qoute (ish) "Actually, I really really like it. I think it's really neat." So there! Happiest day (happy dance)! I seriously could not believe he liked it but I was SO excited he did and a little bit proud because I made it and he said he really REALLY liked it.

So, want to see it?
Da da da dum!
(seems to be a lot of those here lately)

yay beans!: Our 2010 subway sign of awesome goal remembrance. Now we won't forget our goals because they will be staring at us straight in the face (and rather stylishly I might add)

Any chance you want to guess what our biggest goals are this year?

I tried to circle them for you but photoshop and blogger (and me) are having a problem. Apparently there's an internal error and I'm thinking they think it's my fault... and it's not.
So let's pretend that Keep it Clean, Do your Dishes, and Eat at the Table are circled and then Brush and Floss has a millions arrows pointing to it. Those are the first goals that will make that blissful journey into habits.

So...we are doing pretty well.
Except I can't seem to remember to brush my children's teeth and they can't seem to remember that toothpaste isn't finger paint.

And obviously that's a lot of goals so we aren't trying to tackle them all at the same time. But we're working on it.

Do you love it? Yes, you love it! Okay, you might not love it but you can appreciate that it is very me and that I love it. Correct? Correct-a-mundo!

By the way, three additional things I would like you to notice in this photograph (besides the fact that the top of my table looks a little bare... I'm getting to it.)
  1. See that cute red decorating do dad? Brandon bought that for me, for Christmas. Even after he moaned and groaned over and over in the store about how ugly and pointless it was (He was wrong, and realized it. That's why he went back to the store and bought it for me.) I believe it might possibly be the first thing "I" have ever purchased that served no purpose other than looking amazing. I'm happy about it. (Plus, Brandon said it was on super extra clearance!)
  2. See that beautiful green table? My Dad and I built that. Then I brought it home and caulked it using kitchen/bath (non paintable) caulk (on accident of course. No one would do that on purpose) and then had to spent 3+ hours scraping off caulk so I could paint it. That was fun... But, it was worth it because: TA DA! It's beautiful.
  3. See my cute little Valentines garland I made the other night? Just perfectly long enough to drape over my perfectly beautiful little green table. It makes me smile because it's happy and lovely. (I love v. day decor. It's very happy... and lovely)
So... if you couldn't tell by the length of this post I am kind of a little bit excited about my sign. Sorry I had to blab about it so long. Leave me comments about how excited you are. Because I want you to.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some People Got It!...

Dum da DUM!!!
Here are our the pictures we got this year with the Bowen family. It took me a little while to get them posted (seeing that my cute sis-in-law got them on her blog before me... she is so much more on the ball than I am.)

This was my favorite! (That's why it's biggest.)

The kids with "Uncle Clinty" - they might like him, but just a little bit.

Grandma and Grandpa Bowen and their crazy adorable grandkids.

More of those crazy adorable kiddos. (Maybe I'm biased.)

The whole lot of us!

Look at that silly little girl with her poses. Such a ham.
My favorite part about these pictures: my little boys ties.
They looked so dapper. TOO TOO CUTE!