Monday, March 30, 2009

Hey! Look what Kameryn can do:

Isn't that impressive?
I couldn't do it to save my life. She says Auntie Gina taught her. But actually Aunt Mindi taught her. Silly girl.
My favorite was as we were trying to get a picture to pot on the blog she was giggling so hard she kept saying "I can't do it...hehehe...I can't...hehe" She was so funny, the best giggling fit ever.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Lovely, lovely, loveRly

Do you remember My Fair Lady? Just wanted you to be sure that I do in fact know how to spell lovely. And in this instance, I was in fact saying loveRly.
Spontaneously this morning, Cooper bursts out with the following:
"Mommy lubs me.
Da-eee lubs me.
Tami (Kami) lubs me.
Lanny (Landon) lubs me.
Heby Awber (Hevenly Father) lubs me.
Bampa lubs me..."
Just the best. Really, he was just standing at the kitchen counter. Nobody was around him, or talking to him. I guess he was just feeling the love, and it made my heart super happy.
By they way, after Cooper's love speech, Kami had one of her own. "Jesus loves me mom. and Grandma Bowen and Grandma Hatch."
Ain't that the truth!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dinner Conversation

Tonight at the dinner table we were talking about family home evening. Kami had given out assignments: Cooper was game, I was lesson, she was treat, and dad was talk.
Dad was confused as to what he was supposed to talk on (we don't usually include a talk in our FHE).
When he said, "I don't know what I'm suppose to give a talk on", Cooper calmly reached over and placed his hand on Brandon's shoulder and said
"Pirate boats."
Also, tonight at dinner, (We had this) little pirate boy (Cooper) ate 3 helpings. I can always tell if Cooper likes his meal because he will shimmy while he eats. I've included a video for those of you with a less than stellar imagination.
Randomly, and just brought up for journaling reasons, Cooper still refuses to drink milk. He no longer breaks into rashes, but for some reason (maybe the same) he won't go near the stuff. So he only drinks water (and bug juice, of course)
I don't, however, think Landon got enough to eat tonight.
So, after dinner he sidles up to me and bites my ample love handles.
What in the world!?!
That was both painful and unexpected.
Not to mention embarrassing. (You know you've got some flab when your son can sink his teeth into it.)

A Love Story

Sometimes just looking at my husband gives my tummy butterflies.

and sometimes I love my husband so much I feel like my heart is going to explode. true story.

I'm so in love with the man!
(look at how handsome he is.)

Pic taken by my very talented cousin Jandee

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You are welcome

Landon wanted his picture taken today. So, like any good mom would, I whipped out my camera. And now, you can have the pleasure of looking at his adorableness. (I know, I'm so nice)

The dentist makes me throw up.

Little girl went to the dentist today. She thought it was enjoyable.
I went to the dentist on Tuesday and I definitely did not think it was enjoyable .

Little girl got a sticker and a balloon.

I didn't get a sticker or a balloon.

I think there is a conspiracy.

I think the dentist likes the little girl better. He should like me better because I'm paying him more. (for the record, I like little girl better as well.)

(by the way, never been more nervous in my entire life. serious. My entire life. I almost threw up, or passed out, or both. Not my idea of a good activity.)

Monday, March 16, 2009

I miss my baby girl... SOOO much. But I'll be brave because I'm sure she's having the time of her life. (and doesn't even remember she has a mother.)

So, Kami is on her first over-nighter EVER!
She is at Grandma's house all by herself. She couldn't be more excited and she is having a blast, I know because I've talked to her.

We miss her. The boys miss her. I miss her. (bad)
Cooper doesn't exactly know what to do with himself. He is forced to play with Landon. Which, I think at times Landon appreciates. Then, of course, I think sometimes he'd just rather not. Cooper seems to think Landon's hopes and dreams are to be drug around like a rag doll. He and Landon might disagree.

Almost ripped my heart apart to hear Cooper talk on the phone to his sister. "I love you Kami. I miss you. I want you to come home and play house with me."


Kami, however, is just too cute for words. She is getting so big and grown up. It's like this personal excursion has caused an awakening in her. Her little mind now knows just how grown up she is. She all of the sudden realizes all of the big kid things she can do on her own. (she packed her own bag and carried it out to the truck on her own) She has also decided that, as a grown up, it is her responsibility to care for the babies. (which would be Cooper and Landon)
Incredibly adorable.
Poor mom just needs to let her grow up and have some independence.
funny story. Yesterday on our trip home from Utah, Kameryn talked non-stop for 1 hour 45 minutes.
No lie.
Non- stop.
She barely took a breathe. Pretty sure she would have talked all three hours had she not been asleep for the first hour and fifteen.
Good grief.
Such a fun girl. Her insights are crazy town. Not to mention very informative and accurate. I soaked up every minute of her knowing I wouldn't get to see her for a day. (Yes, it's only a day. I know I'm the biggest baby ever. But I can't help it. I miss her when she goes to the store with her daddy. I'm just really that pathetic.)

I miss you Kam. Hope you are having so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa. I can't wait to see you tomorrow.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

mmm... scrumptious.

Kami informed me this afternoon that she has cheese and bacon in her ear.
I'm assuming the ear wax is cheese.... right?
now bacon?
well that's a new one.
However, this isn't nearly as creative as the time she told my little sis, KeiLani, about the diarrhea in her ear.
"Hey, Auntie K? You know diarrhea? I had diarrhea in my ear. But it's okay, it's all gone now"
that was interesting.
Fortunately for all involved, Kameryn got the word diarrhea and bacteria confused. Unfortunately for everyone, it kind of smelled like... well we'll just leave it at that.
I love this silly little girl. She just makes me smile.
By the way, she is totally cool with being silly these days. Only took her a year.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I Really Am Quite Brave

After my cowardice post about the dentist, I figured I should follow it up with something truly heroic.
I cleaned up my baby's throw up all by myself.
That's right people. True bravery.
I only almost threw up once. I personally think that is something to be applauded.
Go me! I knew you could do it.

O Holy Crap!

So I went to the dentist today (my most favorite place in the world). I haven't been in 3 years.

um....yeah.... I have a lot of cavities.

9 to be exact.

I think that is almost half of my teeth .

That's a serious problem.

Guess who gets to live at the dentist for the next 4 weeks

that's right, the entire month of March will be spent visiting the dentist

so excited.
I'm such a nervous twit they had to give me laughing gas to clean my teeth.
I may or may not have had nightmares last night about that little pick (I'm not exactly sure if I'm ready to share that kind of information)
I completely forgot about that tooth polisher thing. That's the kind of stuff scary movies are made of. Completely frightful on all levels.
I will be accepting sympathy calls, comments, letters, gifts, etc. Anything to help buoy me up in this difficult season of my life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Pleasure's All Mine

I had the privilege of spending the afternoon with Cooper exclusively. Kameryn and Landon were taking a nap, and so Cooper was all mine.
What a fun kid.
My favorite thing about Cooper is that he is so excitable. Everything is larger than life. Simply my favorite. Take for instance after I finished vacuuming the sun room (I figure it's time to stop calling it a puppy porch...seeing that we no longer have a puppy) and Cooper, who was standing guard, bursts out with "Yay mommy! You did it! Good vacuuming!" Then he did a couple spinning jumps and a few air punches (my personal favorite, all boy move he does.)
Cooper is such an affection little boy. Always climbing on top of you and shoving his face in yours. (He really has no concept of personal space) He's a big cheek kisser...with the exception of random face mawlings that take everyone by surprise.
Cooper is very keen on the fact that he is such a handsome boy. Such a ham (But not for the camera of course. ) He always has me comb his hair so he can be "so handsome". Which of course is entirely a waste seeing that he is huge into hoods right now.
Cooper loves food. He loves to cook food, loves to watch me make food, loves to eat food, and, he even like to watch food tv with me. He will interject with "mmm, that nummy" at all the appropriate moments.
I was making some chicken for dinner tonight. (We're having this by the way) Cooper of course had to ask me what I was making. We've never had stromboli before, but of course Cooper know it's going to be "mmm nummy mommy. 'Bowlie nummy, nummy." He always makes me feel good about my cooking endeavors because he always comments during dinner on how "mmm nummy nummy" every thing is. He will even add "mommy, you make nummy dinnas" So heartwarming. Right now Cooper is in the kitchen eating the chicken I had cooked for dinner. He peaks his head in every once in a while to tell me how "nummy" the chicken is. I think I'm going to have to cook more.
Cooper loves to run, and spin, and jump, and wrestle. As long as he's moving he is happy.
Cooper loves to talk to the tv. He will answer back to Mickey, Dora, and Diego. He does everything they ask with extreme enthusiasm. Not to mention extreme volume. (remember, Cooper only has one volume: really loud.)
I'm so grateful to have this little boy. Everyone else may think he's a handful, but to me he's just right. So much fun, so much passion, and so much love.

Too stinkin' cute!
I love you Cooper. It is my exclusive pleasure to know you, and to mother you. I am extremely grateful that you are in my life, with all your little quirks.
Love mommy.

Today, instead of doing our chores, we made this:

A Fort
it's complete with an escape tunnel, a back entrance (for vip's naturally) and a box of ritz bits cheese sandwich crackers (the best)

And, of course, a password is required.
(We've got to keep those pesky daddy's out)

The plan was to read library books with flashlights. Unfortunately, mommy didn't think through the plan until she had moved the couch in front of the flashlight cupboard...

and then, of course, mommy didn't remember just how claustrophobic mommy was until she was sitting in the fort reading stories... I didn't even make it through one whole story.

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate closed in spaces.

Because I do

{ ___________________this much____________________ }

I guess mommy will be doing chores today after all.
Being big (and old) stinks.

Landon was asleep when the whole fort making adventure was taking place. But, as you can tell, once he woke up, he was UBER impressed.