Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

We got to spend Christmas Eve Day at Grandma and Grandpa's this year. It was so fantastic. We had pizza for lunch, which was delicious. Aunt Mandi mad sugar cookies for the kids to help roll out, cut, and decorate. She is the best sugar cookie maker. The kids had tons of fun and even brought home cookies for Santa.

Every year Santa brings the kids new jammies in the middle of the night. Well, this year Kami was pretty worried because she has had such a growth spurt she had absolutely no jammies to wear to bed tonight.
The kids were all in the bath when we heard the doorbell ring. When we opened the door no one was there.... but there was a package with a note... from Santa. He seemed to have heard that Kameryn was concerned so he dropped their Christmas jammies off early so the kids would have something to wear to bed. Kami says their cozy.
Thanks Santa.
Now we are off to drink some magic cocoa and read the Christmas Story. The true reason for the season.

Friday, December 17, 2010

In Loo of Wisdom.

This morning one of us in the family with a "higher" intellect (Okay, it might have been me, don't judge) decided it would be an appropriate time to put Landon in underwear.

Let's just say, it's only 9 and he's already been through 2 pairs...

Anyway, we are going to abandon that cause for something less messy. But before we leave the land of insanity and make believe I wanted to share the latest bit of wisdom from Cooper.

Landon was sitting on the toilet for the third time, to no avail, and naturally the second his naked bum hit the toilet seat he said "My done! My went poo-poo."

Cooper, ever the Socrates, had the following gem:
"No Landon, you have to make the noise
(preferably a grunt) and then wait to you hear it splash in the water. Then you know your done."

Bah! This kid kills me.
...But I suppose he's got a point.

Okay, by the way, my title is a total play on words. Did you get it?
In lieu of wisdom (like instead of wisdom) but I switched it up and spelled it loo like the bathroom.
Aaah I'm so clever.


Cooper came to me this morning:
"Look mom! I'm learning how to draw!"

"See, there's my arms and my legs..."
Actually, it was a pretty impressive self portrait.

Naturally seconds later, Landon is at his heels
"Mom, take a picture of me! Look it's an airplane!"

(I couldn't take a picture of him. Naturally it wouldn't be right seeing as how he only drew on himself so he could get his picture taken. What can I say, the kid knows he's really really ridiculously good looking.)

I had just recounted the merits to one drawing on paper as opposed to oneself to Cooper. And I expressed the same point to Landon. Upon which Cooper had the following to say:

"Yeah, let's hide it from Dad. And then when he sees it he'll say "Holy Smokes!""

On the plus side, I must make this point, the kid's tend to draw on themselves a lot more when Brandon is watching them... so naturally I can blame it on him and not my lack of supervision.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Simmon's House (Ginderbread)

This year we thought we would be cool parents and finally buy our kids a gingerbread house. We bought it on a Tuesday but were saving it for Family Night. It almost killed Landon. He asked every day if it was Monday so he could do the "Simmon's house"

Finally it was Monday. We were all just a tiny bit excited.

Sorry, I had to include both of these because Cooper's not looking in one and Kami looks questionable in the other.

See how excited Landon was?

The frosting was ridiculously difficult to pipe.

Cooper was really cute, he kept looking at the box to make sure and put things exactly where they did. It wasn't until I told him he could put it wherever he wanted that his real creative juices started flowing.

I know this is blurry but I couldn't get over how ridiculously adorable my little boys' smiles were.

Here is the rest of our family. He was the man behind the camera. Isn't he the greatest?!

I love this picture.

That double chin just kills me.

And of course you are all wondering how long the candy actually lasted on the gingerbread house, I mean we are the Bowens afterall.
Let's just say the very next morning Brandon made a bargain with the kids; a piece of candy from the gingerbread house for a hug and a kiss. When I walked into the kitchen a minute later Landon proudly stated "I eaten aw da can-ee off da Simmon's house" "Uh-oh" I said "Are you going to get in trouble?" "No! My gib da-ee a ug an a kiss. An I gonna eat da can-ee aw gone." And then he quite literally did.

A lesson in obedience: My mom just left me a comment saying I should update my blog. Well, seeing that she checks my blog once a month that seems like a fairly large threat. Just so you know, I've always been the most obedient one in the family.