Friday, May 11, 2012

May 7, 2012

Tonight for FHE we played outside in the dirt.
Brandon was a weeding machine and when he was all done he planted my peonies (I hope they grow!).

Max tasted dirt for the first time (okay, honestly, we are in the middle of a renovation and so Max probably tasted dirt for about the bazillionth time)

A cute little Hispanic lady happened to walk by our house and she was enamored with our baby. He was clad in only a diaper, sitting in the flower bed, and drooling dirt.

"He's so cute!" she said in her broken English "Go get your camera and take a picture."

She was the cutest!

Also, she was very smart and so I headed her advice and got out my camera and took a picture (or a thousand)

A farmer in the making.


The face that started the madness

And we know Landon's got to get in on this... (however, he was done after one picture)

 Kami has decided that blowing a kiss is the ultimate best pose to strike for a picture.

 I, however, prefer this smile.

Kami was striking poses for the camera and Cooper had to join in. 
This is BY FAR my favorite shot from the evening! 
He kills me!

Of course, he couldn't stay "serious" for long.
In fact, it's nearly impossible to get a "normal" picture of this boy.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

...and C.

and D. (also known as "the ghost: OOOO!")

Want to know where he gets it from?



Blurry deliciousness 
(and no, I don't believe in wiping my children's faces... or combing their hair... thanks for asking)

And that was the sign we had had enough....

In the words of Cooper:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Mischief Max: a Children's Tale

Once upon a time in a very remote land there was a small little house with a dill pickle door. This small little house contained several funny creatures. Most notable (for this story in particular) was a small little boy. A baby, to be exact. A baby named Max.

There wasn't much to Max by way of size. In fact, of all the house creatures, he was the littlest. Even the dog outweighed him. He was a runt, if you will. But what he lacked in girth he made up for in seduction and appeal. You see, Max not only was smaller than most, he was also far handsomer than most. A trait to which you will soon see he was expert at employing.

But we will get back to that. Besides being blessed with innate charm and charisma Max had several other talents at his disposal. First and formost, he was a fantastic drooler. He held the record for the most ear infections in a month. And, he could wiggle his way out of any pair of pants, even skinny jeans.
But, it was mischief Max was best at. Max was a very clever boy. He knew where his strengths lay. For starters, he was tiny, and so he could maneuver in and out of tight places. He was quick, it only took him seconds to reach any given target. He had recently learned that by standing on his haunches he was far taller then he was on his kneecaps. And he could be stealthy quiet like a mouse or ear splitting loud like a siren. Best of all, as we've mentioned, he was ridiculously good looking and so could charm his way out of nearly any situation.

I found this post saved in my archives. Obviously I never finished it. But I'm posting it anyway. Maybe one day I'll remember the story I had set out to record. ;)

That Sneaky Max

Baby couldn't be expected to sit patiently in his high chair when there was cake to be had.