Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Love Notes

Dear Husband,
You snore now. I'm thinking it is a combination of the intense exhaustion and allergies (which make it impossible for you to breathe adequately). I don't mind though.
Dear Camera,
I'm sorry I took you for granted when you were living. I promise if you ever decide to speak to me again I will treat you with the respect you deserve. And I will try my hardest to ensure that Kami doesn't stick you in a sink full of soapy water again. (In her defense, she didn't know you were allergic, and you were pretty filthy.)
Please come back to me. please. I can't afford to replace you.
desperate and depressed
Dear Fall,
Welcome to my little town. We love you... I love you (truly. madly. deeply.)
Dear UHEAA (Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority),
You are heaven sent. Thank you for giving us back the $700 you loaned us. It was unexpected and a blessing. It has been a pleasure doing business with you.
no longer a-loan
Dear Home Projects,
Could you please just finish yourselves? My dad is coming to visit me this weekend and I would love to impress him with all your finished glory. Please, just think about it, it would be awesome.
Thoroughly Exhausted
Dear Old Gravy,
Will you please put this little ditty on sale. It's been 6 years since I have had a winter coat (and no that is not an exaggeration) I would like to end that streak and I believe this is the ticket.
P.S. Dear little ditty, please, even though I know you are a difficult color to pull off, please, please, look absolutely fantastic on me. Because I really have my heart set on you.
Warily Wearing
Dear Life,
I think it's time we took things slow. Things have been moving a little too fast between us lately and I'm just not comfortable with that kind of a relationship right now. i.e. SLOW YOUR ROLL TOOTS.
Apprehensive Admirer
and one last one:

Dear Brandon Bowen,
I love you. you. know.
Sincerely, Brittany Bowen

Friday, September 25, 2009

Guest Blogger

Kami has a little something she would like to post on the blog. I am sure you will find her writing style superior to my own.

photo by Kami

"This is my littlest pet shop and I love her so much. L-L-Littlest. I love her so much and I love to play with her. My mom let me pick her out by myself. And I love her so much. I love her purple eyes. Pa-Pa-Purple eyes. I love her purple eyes and I love her skin so much."

Kami would like to dedicate this post to her Uncle Clinton. "I love you Uncle Clinton"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Meet Landon

This is Landon.
He likes to do things like:
  • unroll a whole roll of toilet paper all over the bathroom floor.
  • put all the food on his tray in his drink.
  • disrupt people on the bench behind him in church (he doesn't like it when people don't notice him)
  • flirt with the ladies.
  • shred rolls, cookies, sandwiches, etc. just for the heck of it, and then smoosh them into the carpet.
  • smoosh things into the carpet.
  • dump beverages on the kitchen floor and then spread then around with his fingers. (he likes to do this multiple times a day)
  • take baths
  • mix popcorn kernels in with my oats.
  • unload the dirty dishes out of the dishwasher.
  • cheese it for the camera.
  • shut off my dishwasher in the middle of a cycle
  • headbutt people
  • be the center of attention
  • pet puppies
  • listen to people tell him how cute he is.
  • sleep in mom and dad's bed
  • scream until he gets his way
  • unplug the vacuum
  • swing
  • play with his daddy.
And the picture/event that spawned this whole post: Landon got into the suckers during my piano lessons. He would reach into the jar, pull out a sucker, rip off the wrapper, sick it in his mouth and then stick it on the floor... and repeat.
Jealous much?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Color ME!

I saw this cute idea on this blog this morning about going to and turning one of your photos into a coloring page. There is a free 24 hour trial code (PR24QCHT)

But here's the thing, as I watched the demo I thought "hey, my photoshop does that. I can do this myself." So I did.
In photoshop elements, select the picture you want and send it to full edit. There is a special effect, under filters, in the sketch category called photo copy. Apply that and then adjust the detail and darkness until you get the look you are going for. (Make sure your background color is set to white and your foreground color is set to black)
There you go, endless coloring possibilities. And because I have a lot of doodlebat fonts, I can even add them to my "coloring pages" and my kids can color a picture of themselves with a huge dinosaur. I'm telling you, ENDLESS possibilities.
here is one of the pictures we used
After:My kids are loving coloring themselves. And I love it to.
Plus, it was free, even without a code.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Dear Husband,
Let's make a pact not to talk about what happened at the house today. Let's close our eyes and imagine a fantasy world where everything is orderly and beautiful. Better yet, let's just keep you locked out of the house until I get things back to "normal". It's for your own safety.
xoxo - Wife.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Let's Talk

Some weeks are busy. Some weeks are REALLY busy. And then there are weeks like this last one which are holy samolee!
Let's talk about school, which we should be getting the hang of, but we're not. (blah!) Let's talk about being a parent helper, and show and tell (which is every week) and studying letters and numbers and not feeling like there are near enough hours in the days... Let's also talk about complete school meltdown and picking on your brothers, and throwing tantrums and insisting that you are not ever tired. However, it is getting easier. I'm not missing her nearly as badly as before. Cooper is enjoying the one on one time with his mommy while sister is away and brother is down for a nap. Mommy is immensly enjoying the one on one time with Cooper (the kid is a riot!) And Kami is definitely loving school. Except today when she told me the following:
"Mom, I really like school but I just don't like recess."
"Why not?"
"Because I really don't like walking and running or playing. And at recess you do a lot of that. You have to run on the sidewalk and play a lot a lot and I just don't like to do that stuf."
BAH! That's classic. I tell you this girl is a hoot!
Now let's talk about getting in over our heads. Last weekend (Labor Day weekend) we took a little jaunt down to Utah for a much needed vacation, and came home with a very long list of to-dos. My dad made some fabulous new tables for me (you will get pictures when I finish) my sister is letting me borrow her sewing machine to complete lots of projects I have waiting. (pictures when I finish) I niavely started painting my kitchen on Saturday.... AAGH!... (we will talk about this later, and as you guessed, I'll post pictures when I finish) I've got peaches and pears to can in my garage, and, well the list goes on.
Needless to say, when I was doing the laundry on Saturday I didn't have time to fold (what with my hands covered in paint) and so they just got stacked on my bedroom floor. Sunday morning Cooper says to me: "Mom, watch me climb this tall tall mountain!" as he scales up my pile of laundry... that about sums up the work load for this week.
I love my kids. They are so much fun and their little personalities are classic!
I've got lots to share, but I have even more to do. I'll be back with some more little letters when I get another second to breathe.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My FAVORITE Brother :)

As you can probably tell by the title this post is dedicated to my brother Kadon. He is pretty much the coolest. I'm being dead serious too, the kid is awesome. You should get to know him...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Crazy Little Thing Called LOVE

People have been begging me for these pictures. Begging me people. I like to please the people.
So here they are: Happy Annie-vair-suri Picture Palooza.Super. SUPER. hot husband.
Not sure why this next picture looks pixelated... also not sure why I am not teeth smiling... what's my deal?Check out my cute cute sunglasses.
(might I add that this is the only picture in which my bangs look the way they are intended to look. What is my problem people...)My husband's not as cute sunglasses but extra cute face.Guess where we went... go ahead, guess.
what's up with the red photo. we may never know.Things got a little blurry. Oragami grasshoppers while we waited for our table... I didn't take pics because I didn't want anyone to be jealous of our mad oragami skills. (They looked a lot like paper airplanes though...)Isn't he just so good looking you just want to die.
RAWR! As you can see I am fawning all over him.Texas Roadhouse baby. Super delish.
husband likes to stick his tongue out in Happy Annie-vair-suri pictures. I don't ask questions. I just go with it.See those three boxes of food. yep. all mine. Notice my hippopotamus face. That's the face I make when I am being a that is one good kisser.So good in fact that we had to try it out one more time...
Come on, it wouldn't be a happy annie-vair-suri post with out a little lip action.
Happy 6 years muffin! You are my bestest friend EVER!!p.s. we should go on hot dates more often. fun.