Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Storm Warning!

We have been featured.
in all our glory
Check us out here.
By the way, I had never laughed so hard at a dinner function in all my life.
"Disturbing but strangely fulfilling" - Clinton Bowen

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Week in Highlights

  • Cooper thinks he is Superman, and as such he doesn't have to pick up his toys
  • Brandon attempted to adjust our trampoline to a more kid friendly height. Yeah, that was a bad idea. Unfortunately Brandon wouldn't do a double thumbs up pose with the warped trampoline for the blog. Party pooper. 1 1/2 hours's back to normal.
  • Cooper colored a very detailed picture of himself Sunday morning. He colored his eyes, his smile, his hair, his ears, and his bum. Like I said, very detailed.
  • Landon says no. He smooshes his lips together and slowly enunciates "noooo". It's actually pretty cute.
  • Kameryn colored with a crayon on my windows. She said it was Cooper, but Cooper isn't quite old enough yet to draw O's a P, an E and an R (I think she was trying to spell his name so I would know for certain that he did it. Right....)
  • Later that same day, same window, same crayon, I walked in on Kami giving Cooper a "How to properly draw on a window with a crayon" tutorial. When I confronted her on it she said "no mom, it wasn't me, it was Cooper!" SURE... he may have been the closest one to the window, but he was definitely not guiding that crayon.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Lesson in Sportsmanship

One time I went to this baseball game where people in the stands and on the opposing team where yelling things at the players on the field. Things such as "we want a pitcher, not a belly itcher" and ...well I can't think of any others. They were trying to taunt and tease, even ridicule perhaps. I didn't think it was very nice. It could only have two outcomes of course, either dishearten and discourage your opposition (which I am assuming is the desired effect) or you fuel them with the burning desire to cream you. Right? Well that doesn't sound like a good idea. Who does that?
okay...honestly, I've never been to a baseball game (other than my little bros t-ball games and such) but I've heard of these things happening, like on t.v. and what not. Besides, I needed to pretend for my sports analogy.
Apparently, my daughter does that.
So... onto today, the analogy portion of this blog post.
The messes have been really bad as of late. Really. Bad. Today I was scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees when my daughter sauntered into the room.
"What you doin' mom? You cleanin' up our messes? You moppin up the yogurt off the floor? Because we make big messes and you have to clean them up. Like the big yogurt mess. That's really messy huh mom?
You know what we want to do? We want to have pretend food in the playhouse. (by the way, when she says pretend food, she means completely real and messy food, pretending to be a different kind of food. Real food. Not pretend food.) Doesn't that sound like a good idea?
Well, have fun cleaning up our messes."
Alright children (who cannot read) I am writing this post for your own benefit. It is NOT, I repeat NOT, a good idea to taunt your mother when she is cleaning up your outrageous messes. It has the same effect as it does in baseball,
your opponent will either become disheartened,
I did, I really wanted to throw in the towel
have the extreme desire to annihilate you.
....throw in the towel at her!

I'm just saying... watch it bud.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I tried my hand at hummus today.
I'm thinking it was a success.

(Got to love the hummus beard. It is so the rage right now.)

Friday, May 1, 2009

...and now I have bruises on my thighs.

Yesterday I somehow managed to put my mom's parked vehicle in motion,
from the passenger's seat
while I was buckled in
and no one was occupying the driver's seat.
I think my mom's van is possessed,
and was trying to kill us.
Wow. SCURRY business.