Saturday, March 19, 2011

Proof We Still Exhist

There is no escaping the fact that I have been a terrible blogger. Although, I have been kick butt at posting on the food blog, so go check that out. (ironic that a pregnant person would be a good food blogger no?)

Usually when it's been a long time since I've blogged I just sort through my pictures and come up with inspiration for new posts. However, I haven't just been a terrible blogger, I've been a terrible picture taker as well... so lame. I did, however, happen upon these pictures that I did not take.

yep, that's Perry the Platypus.

dancing with buzz and woody

This one is my favorite.

yeah, my son sucks on his shirt... we're working on that.

I just noticed that this one has all 4 of our current (visible) boys.
(They happen to be the majority in this family... and growing)

poor girl got her bangs hacked by her mother...I'm so sorry.
(by the way, craft scissors are not a comparable substitute when you can't find your hair cutting scissors. Just look harder next time.)

Even the dog is still alive (I'm as surprised as you are)

I know this is completely vain, but my very favorite aspect of these candid shots my children took is the fact that my house is clean. Seriously. I had my own personal "WHAT?!" moment. It was almost as giddy of a feeling as when someone stops by unannounced at your house and it's clean. I swear these things never happen to me. And I do clean my house, I just never have proof. Now I do.

(But please don't stop by my house today... it would ruin my good opinion of myself.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Things I Post on Facebook

Seeing that I seem to be the most awful blog updater ever, here is an update on our lives via facebook status'... not nearly as exciting but at least I have something to document the last 3 months of our lives.
  • Cooper: "Kam, who do you like better, me or Landon? ... I can draw a dinosaur." jan 4
  • I think every dishwasher in this town hates me! jan 5
  • (This one might be a little pg-13) I was changing Landon poopy bum this morning and I told him not to scratch (for obvious reasons) Cooper overheard and said "What mom? His bum itches." ... They must learn that response young. jan 6
  • Yesterday at church Cooper used the etch-a-sketch to draw a floor plan of our basement. I was so proud. jan 10
  • Landon (my youngest) told me yesterday that he didn't need to go poop in the potty because the poop in his diaper didn't smell bad, it smelled good... He would be wrong. jan 13
  • I just saw someone at my door and my heart jumped into my stomach... I think it's probably time I picked up my house and got out of my pajamas. You know, so I didn't have to live in fear. jan 14
  • When asked who forgot to flush the toilet this morning I was told "Blackbeard the Pirate." ... Those pirates, absolutely no manners. jan 15
  • This morning I said to my son Landon "Landon, I love you so much, you make me so happy." His response to me: "Yep, my do." jan 18
  • To say my dog has put on a little weight is putting it mildly. Our friend put it best yesterday when he said, "Your dog looks like a sheep." ...and he's right. jan 24
  • Landon just came up to me completely out of the blue, "You know what mom? My love you." Being a mother is the best job in the whole world! Believe it. jan 28
  • Landon just tried to use tape to take the "pokies" off my legs. When that didn't work he decided he would just cover them up with the tape. "There mom, this will make your pokies feel better" feb 3
  • Cooper told me he didn't like me so he wasn't going to do anything for me. In one of my 'better mommy moments' I said "Then I guess I won't do anything for you... like make you lunch." To which he responded: "That's okay, I don't need you to make me lunch, I'll just eat grass." ...not sure that response was well thought out. feb 7
  • "Look at my face. Does this look like an angry face to you?" - Cooper feb 8
  • I'm eating a Reese's peanut butter heart for breakfast. (I'm working extra hard on my figure these days) feb 14
  • "Mom! I didn't push him. I just moved him over nicely. Besides, he was all up in my grill!" - Cooper feb 15
  • Today I walked into the bathroom to find 11 of my Pottery Barn catalogs in the sink under a steady flow of water... and my heart is sad. feb 20
(For the record, I couldn't bring myself to throw them away and good thing because once they dried they were all better. ...and I don't leave my Pottery Barn catalogs unattended in the bathroom anymore.)
  • Next time I walk I should try to do it with a little more finesse, so as not to stub my baby toe on the furniture. Two days later and I still swagger like a pirate... feb 23
  • I told my youngest he couldn't take another bath this morning and he said to me, "Mom! Get out of my house!" Wow, attitude much? and then a little later this morning: "Mom, I want you to get out of this house because we don't like you" ... thank you son. feb 28
  • I just saran wrapped a mattress. That was a first. march 3
  • "Mom, Cooper put chocolate chips in my underwear... Will you get them out for me Mom? I promise I won't eat the yucky parts." - Landon. ...Nice huh? march 8