Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Terrible Twos?

I am wondering nowadays, who exactly termed the phrase "terrible twos". Kameryn never went through that phase....so I am thinking, someone should have termed it "terrible threes" You know, back in my innocent child rearing days, Gwen approached me and said "You know, they have all this talk about the terrible twos, I think they are wrong, I think it is the threes you have to watch out for. Lydia was never this bad at 2" In my heart of hearts I thought, "oh Gwen, that's sweet but it's probably just Lydia - Kameryn isn't going to go through the terrible 2s or 3s. She is just too mild mannered." (Now, know that I did not think this because I thought Lydia was a bad kid, not at all. It's just that Lydia's and Kameryn's personalities are so different. I just figured that Lydia's terrible 3s were something she would go through, but not Kameryn.)
I was wrong, Gwen was right. The closer Kameryn approaches 3, the closer her behavior can be termed as terrible. She has started in with these little sassy sayings, back talking, purposely doing naughty things, etc. Luckily I am a really patient person and I understand it is just her way of pushing the envelope, finding out where she stands, and getting her little feet underneath her. All in all, she is still our delightfully pleasant, easy tempered, and loving child. But she has started to intermix these little quirks and tantrums into her "personality"
Here are some of my favorites:
If Kameryn doesn't get her way (say I tell her she can't watch cartoons) she blurts out, "Fine, than I'm leaving!"
If you tell Kameryn something to do she will look at you and whisper "no!" (Like by saying it quietly she can be defiant without getting in trouble)
Kameryn likes to demand justice and fairness, take for instance these statements:
"Mommy, you need to say 'thank you Kami Bami' you need to tell me thank you." (Even when I have said thank you, she likes to here it 5 and 6 times)
"Mommy, you shouldn't yell at me. You need to say 'sorry Kameryn'. Because you hurt my feelings." (This one is my all time favorite, because, while she does have a point that I shouldn't yell at her, she always neglects to mention her fault in the matter, the reason I finally did have to raise my voice. In situations like these I always say, "You're right Kami, Mommy shouldn't yell and she's sorry. But you shouldn't ____ and you need to tell mommy you are sorry as well."
Kameryn is also developing all sorts of independence. She is climbing shelves and fridges to get what she wants to eat. She always gets herself dressed in the morning, and she always has to say every prayer; no taking turns in our house. Prayers are apparently her job. If you start saying a prayer, she will take over and either tell you not to help her, or she will speak louder than you so as to drown you out.
Ah, raising a 3 year old. It should be interesting. Especially since Cooper is approaching that "I am so happy all the time, but I am a bundle of mischief and you will have your hands full!" stage.

Monday, July 23, 2007


I don't update my blog nearly as much as I used to, which is ironic seeing I spend more time sitting on my bum than I used too... I guess it is because life sitting on your bum isn't nearly as adventurous as it is when you are not sitting on your bum. We did have a couple of fun things happen in our lives though. (This is part of our campaign to convince my family that they should move up here.) We live in the best little town. Let me explain:
On Saturday we had a 24th of July celebration extravaganza. Brandon and I have lived here a cumulative total of 3 years yet we have never participated in this celebration. (We are usually gone with family over the 24th) Well, this year, we had to go to the parade because Brandon was on our ward float. Brandon was an ice cream scooper on the Rootbeer Float...float. Since we had never attended this parade/celebration we naively thought the festivities were over with the parade, but we were blissfully wrong. Apparently after the parade each year a flag ceremony is planned followed by FOOD! Lots and lots of FOOD!
Best yet, it was all free. (Now this isn't a yearly occurrence, I've been told. Usually the food costs about $1. But this year, it was free.) It was so awesome, we could get whatever we wanted, as much as we wanted and all for the very low price of FREE! Fun times. There were tacos (with homemade/mad on the spot tortillas), fried chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs, really yummy french fries, watermelon, pie and ice cream, elephant ears (scones) and cotton candy. So delicious! I should have gotten more food.... (The way this worked was each ward was in charge of 1-2 food booths and the majority of the food was donated or came out of the ward budget. And yes, this was a community event, not a church production...but, we were celebrating the 24th of July....)
After food, there were games and races. (Which, if you've read Gwen's blog, do NOT be fooled. Greg did not win, Greg cheated. Brandon totally kicked their trash. My husband is amazing!) Kameryn even ran in a race, but she got 2 feet from the finish line and just stopped and looked back at me. Silly girl.
There was a live fish pond where the kids took turns trying to catch live fish. (We couldn't get Kami to get in. She wanted to, but I think there were too many people around for her...and me)
Anyway, it was such a fun day. We got to enjoy the company of all our friends and our community. We really do live in a great place. I guess if I can't convince my family to come here, I can at least convince them that it is the place to be on the 24th.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Family Pictures!!

Family Portraits 07

I AM SO EXCITED! We just got our cd of our resent family photo shoot in the mail. These are the first family pictures we have had since Cooper was born. I can't wait to get them blown up and on the walls of our new house (by the way, we are buying a house. AAGH! X-this x symbolizes us crossing our fingers. We are just waiting on the appraisal and inspection. If they "pass" it's ours)
Anyway...back to our pictures. They turned out wonderfully. It will be hard to pic a definite winner. For those of you who don't know the story, I have been wanting family pictures for what seems like FOREVER! Brandon, of course, hates family pictures and refuses to take part in them. Well, I found a loophole. I told Brandon that what I wanted for mother's day was family pictures (you can't deny a mother her only request on mother's day) I sweetened the deal by telling Brandon he was not allowed to utter one word or moan of complaint. (When he is finally coerced into family pics, he always grins and says throw closed teeth "I hate this. That's enough. How many more times are they going to take this picture. I am tilting my head. This is so stupid." Anyway, you get the picture. It makes for a very miserable time for all involved and I wasn't going to have it!) Luckily for me, my husband was an absolute sweetheart! Not one word of complaint and he looks so handsome. (There were only a couple with the Bowen cheeser, Kami actually whipped it out more than he did) He even went along with a change of outfit.
The kids were wonderful for as many pictures they had to sit through and only a couple Bowen scowls are present (Ironically, most of them given by Cooper....)
So, to sum it up: Our photographer was great! We got the whole package deal, the pics, an outfit change, numerous poses (including engagement photos), a cd with all the pics, and the copyright for ONLY....$100! That is unreal, huh! I don't know how we lucked out, but it was a wonderful experience. We are hoping to make this a yearly tradition. (At $100, why wouldn't you?)
I have included a link to the web album we set up. (Click on the pic at the top) Give me a vote on your favorites. Moms, aunt, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and friends....if you want copies let me know which ones and which sizes. (I have conveniently labeled them for such a purpose) You can just leave that info in a comment or give me a call. We are so stinkin' CUTE!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


As you all well know, a while back I started a food blog (www.littlepiggyfood.blogspot.com) It has been a very fun endeavor. Well, today I probably posted about 10-15 new recipes on the food blog. I know it is only a matter of time before I get a lot of crap from people asking me if I have nothing better to do than sit at my computer all day....so I felt compelled to do some explaining. First of all, no I don't, unless you include cleaning my house and showering as something better to do.... (I'm sick, give me a break)
My sister-in-law Mindi called me today to ask if I could give her some of my recipes. She just got married in May and is looking for things to feed her hubby. I told her I don't share my recipes.... (JUST KIDDING) I told her of course! and I would get started right away. However, this was going to prove to be quite the feet since we probably have about 100 recipes we use on a regular basis, not including all of my mom's recipes from her cookbook. And, on top of that, I probably have another 100-150 recipes that I want to try and that list is getting bigger everyday! That is a lot of typing....
Anyway, I was just going to start typing up recipes and sending them to her via e-mail when I thought, hey if I am going to type these up, why don't I just type them once and post them on the food blog so everyone can have them. (Plus, I haven't been very faithful in my posting on that blog...but neither has anyone else...hint,hint!) So, that is what I did. However, I of course did it the speedy way. I decided I would post all my recipes I have gotten from the Kraft Food Mag because it conveniently has a website (www.kraftfoods.com) that has all the recipes on it. All I had to do was find the recipe and then just cut and paste them into the blog. Bonus, they all came with beautiful and drool enticing pictures.
I didn't get all of their/now mine recipes on the food blog, but I got quite a few. Anyway, check it out. I am currently having trouble deciding which of the many newly posted recipes I am going to make for dinner....decisions, decisions!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Wow, that was an outpouring of response from my last post. I didn't know so many were keeping posted to our blog. For those still not in the know, the Egyptian Flu is a simple way of saying that in 9 months I will be a "mummy", again. Now, actually, I will be a mummy in approximately 7 months, give or take a couple months. :)
Our due date is February 12th. We are definitely excited. I, honestly cannot wait until I am feeling a little better. This one has been a doosey. I feel like the biggest waste because some days, I am so sick I can't get off the couch. So not fun with 2 children. More than anything, I feel bad for them because I feel as though I have been neglecting everyone. So not fun. It doesn't help, however, that I have had the real flu, on top of my pregnancy, now 6 times.
We had an ultrasound yesterday and the verdict is that the baby is healthy, very little (obviously, it is only 9 weeks old), and...there is just one! (YEAH!) We were worried with as sick as I've been that there would be 2....

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Flu Bug

As anyone who knows us well rightly knows, we in the Bowen household are always sick. And, of course, now is no exception. Cooper has been throwing up and blowing out of his diaper all day, poor tyke. He seems to have caught the flu bug that is going around. I've already had it twice this last week, not to mention my week long spout with it the end of last month. I just seem to be catching every flu imaginable, I have even managed (with some effort on the part of myself and my husband) to catch the Egyptian flu. I only know of one other person who currently has the same thing and she has had it for a little bit longer than me, with think. I'm positive I didn't catch it from her. (I know exactly who I got it from) However, I am hoping desperately to pass it on to Gwen. (although, that isn't exactly my job, it's Greg's)
Egyptian flu is a funny, yet futile flu. It lasts for roughly 40 weeks, give or take, and it can do all kinds of wacky things to your body. I usually get really fat, (most women do) really tired, and really wimpy. I also tend to puke my guts up for long periods of time. The last 2 times I have had it, it has put me in and out of the hospital several times. However, I have found that with the Egyptian flu, once it is over, I am left blissfully happy and so full of love I can hardly contain myself; despite any pain, discomfort, or lack of sleep. (Egyptian flu always goes away with a great deal of pain and a hospital stay) Ironically, about 1 1/2 years after I get over the Egyptian flu I often find myself very willing to catch it again. Strange how that works.
Anyway, for those of you who have never heard of the Egyptian flu, don't worry. You will catch on soon. Just wait for the next post. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow to find out how the flu is progressing and when it will possibly be over. I will post more then. For now, just think about it. I will explain why it is called the Egyptian flu tomorrow.

I'm Thinkin'...

Kameryn has a new "saying" you might say. I am not exactly sure where she picked it up at, but it is now almost a constant in her vocabulary. When you ask Kameryn a question, she will respond with "I'm thinking....yes" or whatever her answer may be. Like today, I asked her who did something and she said "I'm thinking Kami"
Anyway, I don't know where she picked it up but it is hilarious. Instead of a straight answer she has to give you an "I'm thinking..." Whether it be, "I'm thinking no", "I'm thinking yes", "I'm thinking maybe", or my personal favorite, "I'm thinking I dun know."
Next time you talk to her on the phone, ask her a question, see if she tells you what she's thinking.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

What You've Missed

So, I have heard through the grapevine I have had some disappointed blog stalkers....I know, I have been slacking in my blogging but I have had some very interesting weeks as of late (not interesting as in "blog worthy", interesting as in "all hail the porcelain throne") So, needless to say, blogging hasn't been on my to-do list. I do, however, have a couple of quips that might tickle your fancy, both of them being Kameryn related.
Let me start with the least recent: Lets say that about a week ago Kameryn was on her way down the lane to play with friends. For some reason, she wasn't content with me standing at the door to bid her farewell. She kept turning around motioning for me to follow. I walked to the corner of the house and then bid her to keep walking. She took 3 steps and then turned around. That is when it happened: she bent down, patted her knees with her hands, and said, "Come on Mommy, Come on!"
My daughter was calling me like one might call a dog. Where does she get that? Honestly! Sadly, I came to her.
Next: This one is a two part story, both parts equally as "embarrassing" and pathetic. Our good friends the Hancocks came out from SD to visit last weekend. On Friday we all got together for a BBQ and some games for old times sake. We, of course, wanted to play the "parlor game", a Dan and Kari original. It starts out with everyone writing 5 things on strips of paper. Play then follows in 3 rounds, the first being much like Taboo, the second like guesstures, and the third, a one word only round. (If you don't understand this, write for instructions because this one is so much fun!) Anyway, during round one, the Taboo round, it was my turn to draw from the bucket. I pulled out a slip that read "hairy women legs" (a topic which I know a lot about) Well, conveniently enough, I had just had hairy women legs and deemed it necessary to leave the party to go shave them. (That tells you how hairy they were, hairy as in, people could see hair from across the room, hairy) I started out by saying "I just had these, so I had to go home and shave" Everyone guessed hairy legs right away (I would like to think it was because of my good clue giving, not because of my reputation.)
Anyway, the phrase was "hairy WOMAN legs" not just "hairy legs" So, in order to get them to say "woman" I said, "okay, and I am one of these...."
It was at this time that my "good friend" Gwen blurted out "HAIRY MONKEY!!" Thank you Gwen. I thought we were better friends than that...apparently, however, you are not beneath name calling and fault finding. (By the way, I am totally kidding.) Gwen got the phrase "hairy monkey" from me. I use it regularly to explain my condition. However, for those not it the know that were at the party, which was everyone but myself, my husband, and Gwen. Gwen came across as a real jerk! He, he.
Now to part 2: It was maybe a day after this whole hairy monkey escapade, and mind you, I had just shaved my legs the day of the hairy monkey incident so I was going on maybe 1 day of "stubble". So, it was Kameryn's bed time and I had gone in to lay down next to her. (She was having some asthma troubles and so I was mostly in there to administer medicine.) We had been laying there for a couple seconds, exchanging idle chit chat, when Kameryn looked up at me and said "Mommy, you have poky legs." As matter of fact as any child could be. She didn't, however, just leave it at that: "I don't have poky legs, my legs are smooth. Your legs are owie, they hurt me." At this point she must have seen I was slightly embarrassed and ashamed because she suddenly reached out and stroked my arm "You have smooth arms like me" Thanks Kami.
Oh the shame!

Happy Birthday Cooper!!

Our little boy is officially 1 today! Ironically, he decided it was fitting to kick off this day the same way he kicked it off last year, screaming! He has been rolling back and forth on the floor, screaming, for the past half hour. I can't figure out what to do, I have tried everything....anyway, that is beside the point. We just wanted to post to let everyone know how much we love our little boy. With it being his birthday, it has been fun to reminisce about this first year with him. He has been such a blessing in our lives. He is so much fun, so full of smiles, and so full of love. It's weird to think it has already been a year. It feels like Kameryn took so long to turn one, but Cooper turned one over night. We can't believe it's been a year. Time goes so fast. Raising these little ones is such an adventure, I sometimes wish it would slow down a little so we could more fully enjoy the ride.

Cooper, we love you so much. Your infectious smile and koala bear hugs never cease to bring us joy. You are such an incredible little boy. We look forward to every minute, hour, day, month, and year to come. Thank you for blessing our lives with the wonderful little man you are.