Friday, February 29, 2008


Gotta Love Landon's face on this one. It is my favorite!

Here we almost have a smile from Landon...almost. (I guess what Cooper is doing could almost be described as a smile as well...almost)

Brothers. (Cooper was so excited to hold baby Landon all by himself!)

The only one of all 3 kids that "sort of" turned out. I am so not skilled when it comes to photography. I do, however, realize that the sun was in the wrong place. Unfortunately, when it comes to taking quick snaps of kids, I take what I can get.

For Mandi

See Mandi, it's just awesome. I haven't shaved my legs and I don't own sweat pants, but when I do, watch out world for an explosion of AWESOMENESS! (really Mandi, you just gotta be cool, thats what its all about)

Too Small

Kami has been growing like a weed. We are trying to hold out until spring to get her new clothes, but we'll see. This morning we went to get her dressed and she said "I can't wear that green shirt because it is too small" "Really?" I said. "Yeah, its too small for my arms and my bones." "Your bones huh?"
Alright so now are bones are officially too big for our clothes. Go figure. By the way, it is her wrist bones that are too big for her shirt. Mmm...okay. (Dang wrist bones, they get you every time.)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aah! Homeownership

So, do you remember my chore list from a couple days ago (Got it all done, by the my floor mopped - Brandon mopped my floor) Remember that stinking fridge...yeah....So naive me thought I could just wipe the smell away. Unfortunately, the smell just got worse. I kept cleaning and chucking food. Anything that could possibly be going bad. Finally, I threw out the chicken (which by the way, was NOT bad the first day I checked the fridge) well now it was bad, really bad. The smell started to go away. So, it must have been the chicken, right? Um, not so right. The chicken was bad,'s the was everything else. Our fridge had died! AAH! The news finally became apparent when we went to pour the milk, which had been perfectly edible 6 hours prior, and we were met with the delightful "glub, glub" of curdled mlk. That doesn't usually happen to refrigerated milk.
So, apparently our fridge had been out for a couple days, but thanks to the smell, we hadn't opened it much and so most things were relatively cool. However, quiet a bit got thrown in the trash...Yay!
Now I have a little advice for you all:
  1. If you think your fridge is going out, check the cheese drawer. It is the easiest place to tell since cheese goes shiny and rubbery when warm. (And cheese isn't supposed to be warm in the refrigerator)
  2. If you get your appliance from Sears, don't let a trainee help you. Unless of course you have the time and patience for it. Which we usually do, but #3 will explain:
  3. Don't go shopping for a new appliance with 2 children who need naps, a son and husband who are sick/irritable (Landon more so than B), and when it is relatively one of your first trips out as new parents of 3.
  4. If you live where we do, don't expect Sears to be able to deliver to you. They will say they can, but trust me, they can't. They will find some way to avoid it. In our case, they were booked. I'm pretty sure there aren't enough people who live out here to fill up one of their delivery trucks, let alone enough people purchasing new appliances...but apparently there were. They will call to let you know this after you are already on your way home. So be prepared to turn back around.
  5. When you call to have people come help you unload your new fridge, make sure you allow enough time to put your house back together before they show up. Especially if the bishop is the one who shows up. Oh the embarrassment. (Mind you, we didn't call the bishop to come help, he, and his wife, just happen to be the ones who did show up) On the plus side, they were very helpful.
  6. Finally, try your hardest to empty your old fridge without the help of your 18 month old. Otherwise you end up with an entire thing of ranch dressing poured on your child, floor, etc. (In the middle of all you other mess)
Having our fridge go out wasn't the stressful thing yesterday. What was stressful was that a relatively simple process turned out to be not so simply done. You would think, fridge goes out, go to the store, get a replacement fridge, come home, swap them out. I guess we were just destined for an exciting adventure.
By the way, here is our new fridge. We weren't going for the bling (stainless steel) but when it is $300 cheaper than the closest comparison in white, you buy the bling baby!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

This is the tag for you!

I found this tag while I was blog stalking and ABSOLUTELY HAD TO do it! These people so do not know me, but they said they tag everyone and I fall in that category. Here's the deal, I am doing this because I want everyone else to do it. But, mostly, if your name is Kadon, Mom and Dad, or Greg and Gwen you have to do this!! I just need to see the answers. You can e-mail me. By the by, my answers are first, Brandon's are second!

1.YOUR GANGSTA NAME (fave ice cream flavor, fave cookie)

vanilla cowboy; cookie dough cookies

2. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME (first pet & current car):
Misty Stratus; Rascal Sierra

3. YOUR “FLY” NAME (first initial of first name, first three letters of last name):
B-Bow; B-Bow (I think since they are the same, one of us should be B-bow (like bow and arrow) and once of us should be B-Bow (Like bow wow))

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME (favorite color, favorite animal):
Green Cheetah; Blue... Brandon says he doesn't have a favorite animal so you can just fill in the animal of your choice. Here is my pick: Blue Naked Mole Rat but Brandon says he hates rats and moles (give him a choice and the man with no opinion suddenly has one) He says he wants to be the Blue Elephant.

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME (middle name, city you were born in):
Faun Santa Clara; Brent Burley

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME (first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 of your first):
Bowbr; Bowbr (Once again, so not original when you practically have the same name. Gwen, you will probably run into the same problem...)

7. SUPERHERO NAME (”The” + 2nd favorite color, favorite drink):
The Red Sobe; The Silver Lime Squeeze

8. NASCAR NAME (the first names of your grandfathers):
Milton Neal; Henry Bob

9. STRIPPER NAME (the name of your favorite perfume/cologne/scent, favorite candy):
Sweet Pea Mamba; Hugo "I like 'em all"

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME (mother & father’s middle names):
Jay; Lyn Lee

11. TV WEATHER ANCHOR NAME (Your 5th grade teacher’s last name, a major city that starts with the same letter):
Pike Portland; Bailey Baltimore

12. SPY NAME (favorite flower, favorite season/holiday):
Tulip Independence; Rose Winter

13. CARTOON NAME (fave fruit, article of clothing you’re wearing now + “ie” or “y”):
Strawberry Flipflopie; Peaches Socky

14. HIPPY NAME (What you ate for breakfast, your favorite tree):
Cookie Ash; Oak (No first name, Brandon doesn't eat Breakfast)

15. YOUR ROCKSTAR TOUR NAME (”The” + Your fave hobby/craft, fave weather element + “Tour”):
The Drafting Rain Tour, The Farming Tornado Tour

Calming Waters

Guess what I just figured out: So my son, Landon has been screaming for 8 hours now (meaning he started at 2 am last fun.) Poor kiddos. (Landon, Brandon, and myself) Sadly, we can't figure out how to help him. I have all but given up. Out of desperation I decided I would pour a bath for Landon and I. Well, the bath didn't work yet. (we haven't exactly tried it) But guess what did, the running water. Landon was screaming, and I mean screaming. The second I turned on the bath water he calmed right down. He actually almost fell asleep. Unfortunately, the bath can only hold so much water and so we had to turn the water off. And then the screaming started again.
I really wish I didn't have an aversion to wasting water or heaven knows I would just leave the water running. Poor kid, it was just so nice to hear him finally calm down and almost get some rest. I am really thinking about getting one of those sound machines. (Where does one go about getting something like that) Or maybe I will buy a little water fountain.
Maybe it was all the baths I took while pregnant with must just be a familiar sound. (Much like Giada DeLaurentis' voice. I watched a lot of "Everyday Italian" while I was pregnant with him. The first time I watched the show after I had him, he was about 2 weeks, his little eyes brightened and he cocked his head like "hey, I know this voice" funny) Maybe the running bath water has the same effect. Maybe it is just familiar.


Kameryn is such a silly girl (don't tell her I said that, she would be mortified!) She has her own little vocabulary. She knows what she is saying but often times we aren't so sure. It isn't that we can't understand her, her diction is perfect, it is just her choice of words that throws us off. Let's see how you fare. (By the way, this one isn't too difficult, just funny. It will be a staple in our home from now on)
On Sunday, Kami told her daddy that for lunch she would like a "taco on the road". You've got it right? If not how about this one - "I want a corn dog on the road" (Much like a corn dog on the rocks I would imagine) or how about - "Chicky nuggets on the road" or "french fries on the road".
By now you have figured out that Kami likes her lunch "on the road" She must share my same disdain for lunch...or at least the food I cook for lunch. However, I can't understand because usually she tells me "Mmm mommy you make yummy lunches." Apparently Wendy's makes yummier lunches. (that is what on the road means, by the way, it means going out to eat) Unfortunately for Kami, we won't be doing much "on the road" eating anymore. It gets expensive and I'd rather be out of debt.
My favorite part about this new saying is the way she says "on the road" It is more like "On da wa..ode" But the best part is she is saying it like it is the coolest thing ever. So funny. .. but plain. (She is definitely still on that kick we aren't even allowed to laugh anymore without her getting silly is that. But plain.)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Todays Goals

After that last post I thought I would post todays goals for all to see. (And as a little incentive to accomplish them)
  1. Be able to see the kitchen sink. (I think it's white...)
  2. Figure out what is stinking in the fridge.
  3. Clear the floors of all tripping and choking hazards. (Meaning I need to pick up and vacuum)
  4. Make my husbands jaw drop (I think a shower and some "real" clothes are in order)
  5. Restock the closets and dressers (laundry mountain here I come!)
  6. Kiss my kids
  7. Play Barbies
  8. Make some headway on our wards scripture challenge.
Luckily for me, I have a trick for getting #5 and #8 done simultaneously. (Way to go scriptures on tape!!!)
Wish me luck. I am off to the races! (No more daydreaming, today we will get it done!)

A post

Good to know people are still checking my blog. I haven't posted for a while, blogger and I haven't been friends. I think it is a result of my "very low" internet connection. Either way... A couple of things I wanted to post. Gwen had me check out this post on called "Slackers unite" Very funny post. I've been reading through the comments and while I find some hilariously true, others strike me as rather, dare I say, neglectful and selfish. Let me first explain this "Slackers Unite" post: the lady talks about how often times in our society we feel we have to be the perfect mom. We often mistakingly believe that means we have to "keep up with the Jonses" and have verything in our lives going perfectly perfect. She then lists her "slacker" moments, those "I would NEVER" things. (Like feeding children cupcakes for dinner, letting them watch more than 1-2 hours of tv a day, etc.)
Anyway, it got me thinking. Heaven (and husband) only knows the complete slacker I have been as of late. And for those of you who know me really really well. (Even better than Gwen knows me, so that probably only leaves my husband and mom in this category) You will know that I am somewhat of a perfectionist, but not in the sense everyone always thinks about. I don't expect myself to be perfect, I just am very aware of the fact that I should/have the potential to be better.
Anyway, if you still want to be my friend or at least look at me without thinking "I can't believe she does that" you should not read the following. Here is my list of "if I was perfect, this wouldn't happen" (Ignore the 2 #1's blogger and I had a falling out.)
  1. Kami's new vocabulary consists of the following phrases: "I want you to stop talking, you're bugging me" "Cool it!" "I can't handle this right now" "Stupid dog" ..yeah, guess where she got those from... at least her vocabulary also includes "guess what, I love you"
  1. I sometimes find myself wishing my dog would run away or get hit by a car so I wouldn't have to deal with the nagging guilt of giving her away. Then I feel even worse because I am wishing her harm instead of love. (My dog and I have issues and I feel like an evil person because I should love her as much as she is willing to love us. This is probably my most difficult scenario right now. By the way, if anyone wants a dog, let us know. And I AM SERIOUS)
  2. I spend insane amounts of time doing nothing on the computer and not enough time doing something with my children.
  3. Our TV is on almost 6-8 hours a day. GULP! I don't even like tv. In fact, I pretty much hate the blasted thing. What I can't understand is why I still watch it even though I don't find it enjoyable in the least. For me it is just another noise maker.
  4. My house is RARELY, and I mean VERY RARELY ever completely clean. And when it is clean, it's not clean for long periods of time. I actually enjoy cleaning, and laundry...can't tell though. (I think I lack get up and go, I dream about things more than I do them)
  5. I leave food out after meals more often then I put it away. (Please don't judge me, I am so embarrassed.)
  6. Breakfast is usually eaten around 10:30 (after my kids have snacked on candy, chips, or whatever they find around)
  7. We usually don't get ready for the day until about lunch time...
  8. Kami doesn't know how to spell her name or recognize her letters and numbers.
  9. Lastly, I've spent more time with this post than I have with my children today. (It is only 10:30)
Ooo... deep breath. I post these things, I don't know why. The difference between this post and the several comments left on the other blog is that I have every intention of changing these things, they are not something I am chalking up to "this just works for me" because they don't work for me. These things nag on me because they aren't how/who I want to be.
I guess I don't really know the purpose of this post, maybe to let you all know that I'm not perfect (although you probably already know that) But also to let you know that at the same time, I'm not trying to be a slacker. I'm working on the things that I don't like in my life and making changes. It doesn't mean I think I am a bad/lazy person, it means I am embracing the opportunity to be better. I encourage everyone else to do the same, and in the same spirit. Don't beat yourself up for things, nobody's perfect. But at the same time don't give up on the potential you have.
"Go boldly in the direction of your the life you have imagined" - Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Some Spoiled Grandkids

Yesterday Grandma and Grandpa Bowen dropped by and surprised my kids with.... A SWING SET! And not just any swing set, a handmade, grandpa original; complete with 2 swings, a glider, and a slide. I don't know how you feel about that, but in my opinion those are some seriously spoiled grandkids! (Now I have to swallow all of those comments I made to Gwen about her kids being spoiled when their grandma bought them a swing set...My apologies, Gwen and Grandma Carol)
I kept telling them yesterday that my kids were bound to get pneumonia because they would just want to play outside all day long. Many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Bowen, you just made 2 little kids very very happy!


This one is funny: today it was nap time and Brandon turned on the "everyone must take a nap or die" switch. (Brandon really likes his naps) Kami doesn't like to take naps and wanted to know why she had to. I told her we took naps so we didn't get grumpy. (She, of course, didn't want to be grumpy; she wanted to be plain.) Of course, before she could go to bed she had to ask a million questions. One of those questions was if her daddy was mad at her. I told her that he wasn't, he was just grumpy that's why he needed to take a nap. I was a little slower getting into bed and when I made it into the bedroom I heard Kami call out to her daddy "Daddy you're grumpy, and you're always grumpy."
So funny! I just had to laugh. Sometimes kids say it so well. In Brandon's defense, he says its their (the kids) fault because he is only grumpy because they never let him get any sleep. I tell him grumpiness is a choice. (I at least know that when I am grumpy I am the one who made the decision to be that way...) Anyway, go Kami for telling him like it is!

Friday, February 15, 2008

All Over!!

Well, it is official: after 3 1/2 long months, I have finally said goodbye to my "bestest friend EVER" - my stent. (Yay! Whoo... and the crowd goes wild!!!) So ENORMOUSLY excited you can not even believe it! (I also got my big kidney stone removed yesterday, and so to my knowledge am stone free)
Now seriously guys, on a serious note: I AM SO EXCITED!! I am looking forward to becoming the wonder woman I never was. The pain is gone (I cannot believe how good I feel). I was pretty sore yesterday, but that is understandable. The incredible thing is that I woke up this morning pain free, a sensation I haven't experienced in months.
I am just so overwhelmed with gratitude right now...this has been a long physical/emotional/spiritual roller coaster for me. I want to go into a huge Oscar speech thanking everyone but I need to end this post because I told myself I had to be done by 10:00. So many thanks to everyone. (Especially my incredibly perfect husband; words cannot even begin to express how wonderful he is. And my beautiful children who were such troopers) I am so grateful for everyone, friends, family, ward members...
I got to go but as soon as it gets warmer we will have a HUGE party!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

American Idol

Such a HUGE American Idol fan. I love getting to listen to people who can sing. I'm taking a cue from Bambi and posting my faves. I'm sure I loved more, but these are the only 2 I can remember right now. But, it doesn't matter because they are my top two picks:

I absolutely LOVE this girl. Her story is, of course, very touching. But, even if you put that aside, this girl can sing! She is fantastic. My only complaint was that it ended far too soon. I prefer her version over LeAnn Rimes'. I hope she makes it to the final 2.

This "kid" is phenomenal. I absolutely love his voice. I like how it has a bit of a rock/Bon Jovi feel to it (So a Bon Jovi fan, by the way) This guy has the "it" factor to make it all the way, I think. He has the voice, the looks, and the Australian accent: what more could Hollywood want? I hope he does well. So love listening to guys who can sing.

I can't wait until I get to hear more good singing. I will probably post new favorites after tonight when I hear the top 24 (because I have no life...thanks Kadon).

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Heartbreak Kid

I thought I would include some pictures of what my son did to himself yesterday. You really can't see it very well, but trust me, the bump on his head was a lot more than impressive. I hate to admit it, but I was a basket-case when it happened. (Just ask my mom or Brandon). It must have been from the lack of sleep...and possibly the new mommy hormones. If I blame it on something then I don't seem so hysterical because I knew he was fine, but every time I looked at him I just lost it. It actually only took him 4 minutes or so to be up running around like his usual self. Me, I think I sobbed for a good 45.
Anyway, now I see what I am up against. Having a boy is CRAZY!! (and I have two) Mom, I'm not so sure I can handle a Jamison...
By the way, in case you are wondering, this little guy was running, tripped on his feet and smacked his head hard into the corner of the table, hence the bump.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pretty Princess

Grandma brought Kameryn this dress when she came up to stay with us. It is the first real "princess" dress she has ever owned. She loved it. Of course, when I told her she looked like a princess she said "no, I don't want to be a princess. I want to be plain." Go figure. She was, however, very proud of her pretty dress. Thanks Grandma. This dress was the perfect fit for a ...plain girl.

Jumpsuit Apparatus

I bought this outfit for Landon the other day because I thought it was adorable. I put it on him this morning and sadly, I think it may look like he has escaped from the state penitentary in his orange jumpsuit...
By the way, sorry for the lack of pictures of my son. I just have a difficult time taking pictures of babies. Actually, I'm not very good at taking pictures of children either. I'm just not quick enough. Enjoy these few. (and I mean FEW!)look grandma! Your favorite pacifier: the pac-man. (Unfortunately, Lulu prefers the same pacifiers you do. Luckily Landon isn't picky. He'll take a pac-man.)our little inmate


Well, apparently I have been tagged by Jami. (At least I am assuming she meant me) So, she either thinks I need to update, knows that I stalk her blog, or just know that I have a strange sad love for questionnaires... Either way it boils down to the fact that I am pathetic. He, he! This has never happened to me before, but I have stalked enough blogs that I think it means I am supposed to answer this series of questions. Lucky for me, this "questionnaire" allows me the opportunity brag about my favorite thing in the whole world: my husband.

What is his name?
Brandon Bowen
How long have you been married? A little over 4 1/2 years
How long did you date? Maybe 2 months...
Who said I love you first? Brandon
Who is taller? Everyone says Brandon, but I am positive that I am taller than him in heels, which is why I never wear heels (it really has nothing to do with the fact I "can't" walk in them...I really can, that is just a facade because I have a height complex...)
Who can sing better? Me. And I can say this without being cocky. Brandon doesn't sing...sorry hun.
Who is smarter? I think this has the potential to be a not nice question... Fortunately for the Bowens, we are both exceptionally brilliant, so neither one of us has to be the dunce.
Who does the laundry? Me. Brandon can do it as well, but we've lost a couple pillows and flooded the laundry room the last few times he's done it, so we don't really list it as one of his chores... Of course, if I was better at doing it more completely, he wouldn't have to pick up my slack.
Who pays the bills? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I'm not exactly sure how to look at this question. is it the right side as you stand looking at the bed, or the right side as you lay in the bed? I'll answer it this way. Brandon sleeps on the right side if you are looking at the bed and left side if you are in the bed. He sleeps on this side because if he sleeps on the other side it hurts his shoulder. I sleep on the side I do because Brandon kicked me off the other side. It is also the closest to the bathroom. So I guess I sleep on "my side" out of necessity.
Who mows the lawn? Brandon. He has a thing about me doing the yard work. (which is odd for me because in my family, my mom always did the yard work) I don't really mind that he mows (its not my favorite) but I like gardening, raking leaves, and shoveling snow...Brandon prefers to do those as well.
Who cooks dinner? Me definitely! Brandon doesn't cook, but it is one of the things I like to do the very most. Unfortunately, doing the dishes isn't a task that anyone in the Bowen house enjoys., and I make HUGE messes when I cook. Bummer, we should have thought that one through.
Who drives? Brandon. I don't really like to drive much, it frightens me. Besides, Brandon is an amazing driver. He can park and back up like a super hero! Must be all those years farming.
Who is more stubborn? I'd say Brandon, but he would say me, and he would probably be right, no wrong. I'm not sure. I don't think I am stubborn at all, but Brandon often mentions that I am.
Who kissed who first? Brandon, he even asked first.
Who asked who out first? Brandon always asked me out. However, I never remember a specific date per say, except for the one my sister helped him arrange. But he always did the calling/stopping by. I am very old fashioned this way.
Who proposed? Brandon. He was very nervous. As he should have been because I was totally going to say no...not! He knew I would say yes...actually, now that I am remembering, I didn't say yes. I said "shut up!" Pretty close though.
Who has more siblings? Me. My family doubles his. (8 kids to 4)
Who wears the pants? Brandon.

I forgot that I was supposed to tag someone else (like I said, this is my first time) So, I tag: Miss (Mrs.) Mindi Lee, Gina (the slacker), and Alyssa (the other slacker)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Peanut or Plain

Kameryn has started this new little phase; she doesn't like to be silly. Of course, she is a 3 year old and so she is always silly. However, if you point this out to her (say you happen to mention that you think she is a silly girl) she freaks and starts whining/crying "I don't want to be silly!"
So yesterday Kami comes up to me and asks "Mommy, am I a plain girl?" Luckily, I knew the correct answer. I assume that at any other time in her life, being a plain girl would be absolutely dismal. Yet, at this particular moment in time, plain is exactly what she wants to be. I, of course, think my daughter is extraordinary and very far from plain. But, for now, I will indulge her and agree that she is most definitely a plain girl.
After Kameryn was sure that she was plain she had to take a poll on the rest of the family. Here are the results:
Mommy = plain
Daddy = plain (shocking! I for sure thought he would be a nut in her opinion...)
Cooper = silly. In other words: peanut (as in nut. Clever play on words I know. I'm a clever one.)
Landon = most definitely plain. She was offended that I would suggest that he would be otherwise. (Remember that plain is what we are going for here.)
Grandma = silly
So, there you have it. Ironically, for Grandma and Cooper to be silly wasn't a bad thing. Just the thought of being silly herself was horrific. So, the question is are you plain or silly (peanut).

Monday, February 4, 2008

Clearing up the Confusion

Okay guys, I am awfully sorry to be so darn confusing. I thought I had cleared up any name confusion a while ago. Turns out I only created more. My son's name is Landon Brent Bowen. That is Landon with an ON not EN.
Here's the deal. In my mind for the last 3 months I have thought that if we named our son Landon it would be spelled L-A-N-D-E-N. Come to find out my husband (and mothers) felt differently. They believed Landon should be spelled with an O-N. Of course, I had to cave because of the peer pressure, even though I believed in my core that it should be an E-N.
So, here is where the confusion comes. Because I had, in my mind, Landon's name with an E-N, everytime I wrote/typed his name it was Landen. In my last post Brandon caught my mistake and pointed it out. Of course, he only caught it once and so every other time it was spelled my way. I apologize.
I don't expect you to take sides or tell me which way you prefer. It is already on the birth certificate (yes, I do know that they can be changed). I am just writing to let everyone else know the "correct" way to spell my son's name. I will probably continue to spell it "wrong" for the next few months... Aah motherhood, it is sucking away all my brain cells...

Lots of Lovin'

Not a minute goes by that Kami isn't begging to hold her little brother. She is content to sit for hours (or at least large chunks of minutes) holding her baby Landon. Brandon snapped this picture of the two of them watching cartoons together.
Cooper is equally as enchanted with his little bro. He even got the opportunity to hold him "all by himself". We tried to get a picture, he of course was all smiles, but all the pictures turned out too dark... We will try again tomorrow. I am also hoping to get some video of Cooper tickling Landon. It is really cute.

Happy Tummy

Brandon did a big no-no today, he drew on his son with a pen. We do not write on our bodies with pens. However, Cooper thought it was a hoot. He was so excited. So, or course we had to take pictures of his happy tummy for the blog. Funny how he has started pulling a Kami smile for all of his pictures.

Winter Fun

It has been snowing like mad here lately. Of course, Utah is getting more than we are, but still... Everyone has been bundled up and cooped up. Church was canceled on Sunday, school was canceled today, roads have been closed, and the snow keeps coming. It definitely makes it easier to keep my little one inside.
Despite the weather, we had visitors this last weekend. My dad, sister, sister's friend, and niece came up to say hi to baby Landon. While they were here sledding was a must. We have included some pics of the little ones going sledding in the backyard.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Gotta Love It!

My dad sent me this story in an e-mail. It was way too good not to put on my blog. I hope all you mother's out there enjoy it as much as I did. HILARIOUS!

A 3-year-old tells all from his mother's restroom stall.

By Shannon Popkin

My little guy,
Cade, is quite a talker. He loves to communicate and does it
quite well. He talks to people constantly, whether we're in the library, the
grocery store or at a drive-thru window. People often comment on how clearly
he speaks for a just-turned-3-year-old. And you never have to ask him to
turn up the volume. It's always fully cranked. There've been several
embarrassing times that I've wished the meaning of his words would have been
masked by a not-so-audible voice, but never have I wished this more than
last week at

Halfway, through our shopping trip, nature called, so I took
Cade with me
into the restroom. If you'd been one of the ladies in the restroom that
evening, this is what you would have heard coming from the second to the
last stall:

'Mommy, are you gonna go potty?

Oh! Why are you putting toiwet paper on the potty, Mommy?

Oh! You gonna sit down on da toiwet paper now?

Mommy, what are you doing?

Mommy, are you gonna go stinkies on the potty?'

At this point I started mentally counting how many women had been in the
bathroom when I walked in. Several stalls were full ... 4? 5? Maybe we
could wait until they all left before I had to make my debut out of this
stall and reveal my identity.
Cade continued:

'Mommy, you ARE going stinkies aren't you?

Oh, dats a good girl, Mommy!

Are you gonna get some candy for going stinkies on the potty?

Let me see doze stinkies, Mommy!

Oh ... Mommy! I'm trying to see In dere.

Oh! I see dem. Dat is a very good girl, Mommy. You are gonna get some

I heard a few faint chuckles coming from the stalls on either side of me.
Where is a screaming new born when you need her?

Good grief. This was really getting embarrassing. I was definitely waiting a
long time before exiting. Trying to divert him, I said, 'Why don't you look
in Mommy's purse and see if you can find some candy. We'll both have some!'

'No, I'm trying to see doze more stinkies.

Oh! Mommy!'

He started to gag at this point.

'Uh - oh, Mommy. I fink I'm gonna frow up.

Mommy, doze stinkies are making me frow up!!

Dat is so gross!!'

As the gags became louder, so did the chuckles outside my stall. I quickly
flushed the toilet in hopes of changing the subject. I began to reason with
myself: OK. There are four other toilets. If I count four flushes, I can be
reasonably assured that those who overheard this embarrassing monologue will
be long gone.

'Mommy! Would you get off the potty, now? I want you to be done going
stinkies! Get up! Get up!'

He grunted as he tried to pull me off. Now I could hear full-blown
laughter. I bent down to count the feet outside my door.

'Oh, are you wooking under dere, Mommy?

You wooking under da door?

What were you wooking at?

Mommy? You wooking at the wady's feet?'

More laughter. I stood inside the locked door and tried to assess the

'Mommy, it's time to wash our hands, now. We have to go out now, Mommy.'

He started pounding on the door. 'Mommy, don't you want to wash your hands?
I want to go out!!'

I saw that my 'wait 'em out' plan was unraveling. I sheepishly opened the
door, and found standing outside my stall, twenty to thirty ladies crowded
around the stall, all smiling and starting to applaud.

My first thought was complete embarrassment, then I thought, 'Where's the
fine print on the 'motherhood contract' where I signed away every bit of my
dignity and privacy?' But as my little boy gave me a big, cheeky grin while
he rubbed bubbly soap between his chubby little hands, I thought, I'd sign
it all away again, just to be known as Mommy to this little fellow.