Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today Kameryn was late for school. 10 minutes late.

She asked me if she was going to have to go to the office.

I said yes.

Then she asked me what she should say to the lady.

"Do you have to tell the lady why you're late?"

"Yeah... So should I tell her that you couldn't find the thing to make my flower. And that we were watchin' a show... with penguins. And I didn't know I was late because I wasn't payin' attention... 'cuz I wanted to watch the penguin show with my brothers. And then you had to do my hair, and it was crazy but I didn't want you to spray it so you had to curl it... And then we were late.
Is that what I should say to her?"

"Um... (I was trying to think of a better excuse.)
yeah... , why don't you just tell her that."

Honesty is, after all, the best policy.

Although, I think it might be faster for everyone involved if I just train my children to say
"My mom just didn't have it all together."