Monday, June 21, 2010

Brandon had a day that was all about him...

...and, as always, he was very good at being him.

So, naturally, we blog about why he is such a good him.
(in pictures mostly)

I love all these pictures. Kami wanted a picture with everyone and so I sat them all down and just kept clicking. I can't believe how perfect they all are.

Brandon is so fantastic at fatherhood. It is only fitting that the world dedicate a day to him.

This was part of Brandon's father's day gift from his kids.
He doesn't like candy much... which is a shame.
(does sarcasm read well through a blog? I'm not exactly sure how that works.)

We love you Dad of ours. We think you are pretty special.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brandon. We love you. Your family is very lucky to have a Dad like you. We are blessed to be able to call you ours.
    Love, Mom
