Monday, June 28, 2010

We got to play with friends today! We liked it.

We love that our friends, Gwen and Greg, have seen fit to have children in the same proximity to ours. It makes for awfully fun play dates.

Kameryn and Lydia.
(Lydia is teeny! She is 7. That's a whole year and a half older and 4 inches shorter than Kameryn.)

Cooper and Wyatt
Cooper was so proud of himself for making up this cool pose for their picture.

Landon and Amy
This was the best I got of these two. Apparently Amy couldn't be bothered to slow down long enough to get her picture taken.

Landon, on the other hand, loves to make sure his every move is caught on camera.


Oh gosh, I love this boy's mug!

I also love this boy's mug.

I promise I'm not playing favorites with my boys. Kameryn would only get her picture taken if she was next to Lydia. And then, she only let me take one. (good thing it was so cute right?)

And, of course, it wouldn't be summer without...

The Water Slide!!

Wyatt surprised us all with his daredevil skills. Check him out! (Greg should be so proud.)

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Thanks for documenting my kid's fun day too. They had the best time and so did I...away from them ;) You really did make my day!!! THANK YOU!!!!
