Tuesday, June 8, 2010

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe...

I have this story to tell but I must preface it with the following: I am not pregnant. Promise. I very much want to be pregnant and it is a bit humbling and painful to continually have to admit to myself and others that I am not. So please believe me. I am not pregnant. It makes me cry every time I admit it.

Kami asked me today how many babies we were going to have: 5 or 6.
I said I didn't know but maybe we could have 6.
I then asked her if we were going to have 6 kids in our family how many more babies did we need to have.
"Well, we are three... 9!
9 kids in our family."

Whoops, I think we got mixed up on our math. (but she confidently told me 3 + 6 = 9)

I'm thinking we misunderstood each other because I was thinking 6 babies total and she was thinking 6 babies in addition to the 3 we already have.
Now, I'm not the Lord and so I don't know the grand scheme for our family but I will be quite honest with you, 9 children hasn't exactly been a number we've talked about...

Imagine. I think Brandon might have a heart attack.

1 comment:

  1. You could do it! Oh, she is so cute!

    Morgan needs a play date. Maybe Kami could come over sometime in the next couple weeks. Let's talk.
